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Q: As you get higher in the atmosphere does the temperature increase or decrease?
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As you go up in altitude going higher in the atmosphere does the temperature of the air in the troposphere increase or decrease?

Air pressure decreases as you move away from the earth into the atmosphere. Think of it as the air above you pushes down on you. The farther up you go, the less air is above you to push down. Air temp also decreases as you go up.

Why does temperature decrease with altitude increase?

because as you get higher into the air the air gets lighter and becomes cold

Does increasing the temperature increase or decrease the speed of diffusion?

Increasing the temperature will increase the speed. Remember Dalton's theory: Particles at a higher temperature tend to move faster on average than particles at a lower temperature.

Why does the water evaporates?

When water molecules at the surface gain sufficient energy they can escape in the atmosphere. Evaporation (not vaporization) occur at any temperature; a higher temperature increase the rate of evaporation. The energy of water molecules increase by a temperature increase and some molecules at the surface can escape in the atmosphere.

How is the water evaporates?

When water molecules at the surface gain sufficient energy they can escape in the atmosphere. Evaporation (not vaporization) occur at any temperature; a higher temperature increase the rate of evaporation. The energy of water molecules increase by a temperature increase and some molecules at the surface can escape in the atmosphere.

How does surface evaporation happen?

When water molecules at the surface gain sufficient energy they can escape in the atmosphere. Evaporation (not vaporization) occur at any temperature; a higher temperature increase the rate of evaporation. The energy of water molecules increase by a temperature increase and some molecules at the surface can escape in the atmosphere.

Why evaporation happens at the surface?

When water molecules at the surface gain sufficient energy they can escape in the atmosphere. Evaporation (not vaporization) occur at any temperature; a higher temperature increase the rate of evaporation. The energy of water molecules increase by a temperature increase and some molecules at the surface can escape in the atmosphere.

Does pressure increase or decrease as you travel to the center of the earth?

It increases. The closer you get to the Earth's core - the higher the pressure (and temperature).

When water evaporates it?

When water molecules at the surface gain sufficient energy they can escape in the atmosphere forming a gas. Evaporation (not vaporization) occur at any temperature; a higher temperature increase the rate of evaporation. The energy of water molecules increase by a temperature increase and some molecules at the surface can escape in the atmosphere.

Does air pressure increase or decrease as you go higher?


Why does water evaporate from your cup?

When water molecules at the surface gain sufficient energy they can escape in the atmosphere. Evaporation (not vaporization) occur at any temperature; but a higher temperature increase the rate of evaporation. The energy of water molecules increase by a temperature increase.

What does the temperature do as you increase in altitude?

Temperature decreases as altitude increases because there are less molecules in the atmosphere to hold in the heat.