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Q: Bands of magnetic material in the sea floor that have opposite poles or exhibit magnetic reversal can provide evidence for sea floor spreading true or false?
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How do magnetic reversals provide evidence for sea-floor spreading?

The presence of magnetic domains of alternating orientation parallel to the plate boundaries.

What concepts did magnetic striping reveal to scientists about the rock on either side of a spreading ridge?

The pattern of magnetic striping on one side of the ridge was a mirror image of the striping on the other side of the ridge, indicating that the plates were moving equally in opposite directions, giving a plausible explanation for continental drift theory. Before this discovery, no evidence of a mechanism for plate tectonics existed. It was obvious after this discovery, that new crust was being created at the ridges.

What is the pattern of magnetic polarity reversals?

In a geomagnetic reversal, the south and north magnetic poles flip locations. A magnetic pole reversal takes place every 450,000 years on average, but this is not regular. We are way overdue since the last reversal was 780,000 years ago. There is a pattern in the magnetic polarity of basaltic rocks on opposite sides of a mid-ocean ridge. Basalt contains tiny magnetic crystals that point to the location of the north magnetic pole at the time the lava cools. The rocks at the ridge have positive polarity, but on either side of the ridge the polarity is negative, indicating that those lavas cooled when the magnetic field was opposite of what it is today. On either side of the basalt with negative polarity are more rocks with positive polarity. This pattern continues on both sides of the mid-ocean ridge across the ocean basin. The pattern of magnetic polarity is one of the main lines of evidence for seafloor spreading, which is the mechanism for plate tectonics.

When a magnet touch an iron nail does the nail becomes a temporary magnet?

The magnetic field would propagate through the material and extend itself for the length of the magnetic material in contact. As long as there is contact there is no pole present. When contact is broken the pole would be the opposite to the pole it was in contact with

Where is evidence found for sea-floor spreading?

Other than abundant matching fossils and sedimentary rock on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean and the apparent puzzle piece appearance of the continents on either side of the Atlantic, there is the presence of the mid-oceanic ridges, areas where new oceanic crust is created. The magnetic orientation of the basaltic oceanic crust as it forms is the mirror image of the magnetic orientation of the basaltic oceanic crust on the other side of the ridge, indicating that the seafloor is spreading in both directions away from ridge. Additionally, the dating of rock on the ocean floor has shown that oceanic crust and overlying sediment become progressively younger as the mid-ocean ridge is approached.And finally, accurate measurements have been made by global positioning devices which verify that seafloor spreading is occurring.

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True or false Bands of magnetic material in the sea floor that have opposite poles or exhibit magnetic reversal can provide evidence for sea floor spreading.?


Volcanic rock shows that some layers have magnetic fields that are aligned opposite to Earths This evidence BEST fits which hypothesis?

Sea floor spreading / plate tectonics. Also magnetic reversal in the past.

How can a magnetic field can be created?

By degaussing. Degaussing is a process of reducing the magnetism of a material by applying an opposite magnetic field.

How do you levitate with electricity?

Create magnetic field and use polar opposite material and create levitation

How do paired electrons affect the magnetic properties of a material?

Because of a property called spin, electrons act like tiny magnets. Most of the time paired electrons contain opposite spins, meaning the material has a weak magnetic field. The more paired electrons a material has, the weaker the magnetic field in the material. Unpaired electrons attract and repel other material. This determines which materials unpaired electrons match up with and attract to form a magnetic domain.

Is there evidence that sea floor spreading really happens?

The evidence exists in the extrusive igneous rock, basalt, on the ocean floor near the mid-oceanic ridges. The magnetic orientation of the Earth is recorded in the igneous rock at the time of its formation. The orientation of Earth's magnetic field changes over time, and thus provides a way to relatively date rocks. These orientations can be recorded and mapped with the aid of a magnetometer. Magnetic orientation of oceanic crustal rocks on one side of the mid-oceanic ridge appear as mirror images to the magnetic orientation of oceanic crustal rocks on the other side, meaning that the seafloor is spreading in opposite directions from the rift zone over time. Modern instruments have measured the movement of crust away from the rift zone and it roughly approximates the rate of human fingernail growth.

How do magnetic reversals provide evidence for sea-floor spreading?

The presence of magnetic domains of alternating orientation parallel to the plate boundaries.

Why did magnetic reversals on the seafloor support seafloor spreading?

Earth got its north and south Pole's have geographic and magnetic north and south poles which makes an angle of nearly 5.6degree. magnetic field created due to core of earth is reversed during each 100 million year period. ie.magnetic north becomes south and vice's. seafloor spreading is a continuous event so for each 100my spread seafloor we get opposite polarised magnetic substances. That is called magnetic reversal

How does subduction is opposite of spreading boundaries?

it is opposite because subdution sinks in the earth crust and back up and spreading boundaries spread appart.

How planets rotate on there axis?

Planets that have a magnetic field have: 1) Contains magnetic material like iron, ionized gases, hematite, or magnetite. 2) Has a magnetic current going thru the material. If the planet does not contain enough magnetic material or the material does not have enough magnetic current, there is no magnetic field.

What concepts did magnetic striping reveal to scientists about the rock on either side of a spreading ridge?

The pattern of magnetic striping on one side of the ridge was a mirror image of the striping on the other side of the ridge, indicating that the plates were moving equally in opposite directions, giving a plausible explanation for continental drift theory. Before this discovery, no evidence of a mechanism for plate tectonics existed. It was obvious after this discovery, that new crust was being created at the ridges.

What is secondary evidence?

it is the opposite of primary evidence