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That is impossible to know. It is nearly impossible to predict tornadoes even minute in advance.

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Q: Based on the weather report will their be a tornado in bonaire Georgia tomorrow?
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Is a tornado weather?

Yes. A tornado is a violent weather event.

Did weather cause tornado to form?

Yes. A tornado is a type of violent weather event.

What are the two most likely forms of extreme weather in Georgia?

hurricane and tornadoes

Is a tornado a meteorology?

There is no such thing as "a meteorology". Meterology is the scientific study of weather. A tornado is a weather event.

Is a tornado weather related or geologically related?

A tornado is a violent rotating windstorm, making it a weather phenomenon.

Why did they invent tornado's?

no body invented tornado the tornado just gets formed by weather

What weather does a tornado create?

Warm stormy weather.

When a tornado has been seen in the sky or on a weather radar in your area the national weather service issues a what?

A tornado warning

Is a tornado geologic in nature?

No. A tornado is a weather event, so it is meteorological.

Is a tornado a type of weather?

Yes. A tornado is a type of violent windstorm.

Where was last severe tornado?

As of March 5, 2012 the last tornado to be rated EF3 or stronger (though all tornadoes are considered severe weather) was near Moody Air Force Base in Georgia on March 3. This is also the most recent tornado that is known to have occurred in the U.S.

How do you know when a tornado is near?

If there is a tornado then the National Weather Service will issue a tornado waring saying a tornado has been detected.