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Q: Can Chlorine and Neon form a compound?
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What does the compound neon and silicon do?

There is no compound of neon and silicon. Neon does not form compounds.

When a sodium atom reacts with a chlorine atom to form a compound are neon and argon the same as those in noble gases?


Will iron and chlorine form a ionic compound?

yes it will form an ionic compound.

Is neon and hydrogen a compound?

No. Neon is a noble gas and does not form compounds.

Is chlorine and lithium a iconic compound?

Lithium combines with chlorine to form lithium chloride which is an ionic compound.

What element is combined with neon to form an exotic compound?

your mom is combined with neon

What is the formula for ammonium neon?

No such compound exists. Neon does not form chemical bonds.

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Are chlorine and oxygen an ion compound?

No. Chlorine an oxygen will form covalent compounds.

What is are the compound that contain neon?

neon doesn't form any compounds at room temperature.

Will element Potassiumand Chlorine form an ionic compound?

Yes, the elements potassium and chlorine will react--very vigorously--to form the ionic compound potassium chloride.