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That can certainly happen.

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Q: Can Global warming lead to flooding in coastal areas?
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What will be the major result of global warming?

Rising ocean levels will contribute to flooding of coastal areas and increased storm intensity, which could result in flooding of other areas. Some geographic areas accustomed to consistent rainfall are likely to experience prolonged periods of drought.

How global warming can lead to the Flooding of low lying area?

Global warming expands the oceans, so sea level rises. Water from melting snow and land ice also raises water levels. Low lying coastal areas will flood.

What landmasses will be under water if global warming continues?

Coastal Areas and Islands, atolls.

How can global warming lead to the flooding of low-lying areas?

global warming is a threatening problem in the world. As the plants are affected by the global warming the roots which hold the soil will be affected. at the same time climate will be changed. thus even very little amount rain can cause the flood.

What caused the Bangladesh flooding in 1998?

the thing that caused the floods in bangaledesh is: .low land areas .and global warming

What areas of Alaska are affected by global warming?

Alaska will be hit hardest by global warming of all the states as most of this barren state is ice will melt causing major flooding to itself and then the world.

How can global warming cause flooding?

Global warming can cause flooding because climate change is melting glaciers and ice caps. This is raising sea-levels and low-lying Pacific Island countries and other coastal areas will be in danger of flooding. Climate change is also changing the climate, meaning there may be more severe storms, more often, high tide surges, and more monsoon rains in some places, less in others.

What could be used to test global warming?

There is no need to test Global Warming, it has already been proved. We have seen the effects of it from the flooding in several areas, and, most notably, the recent cyclone in Burma, which scientists are linking up to Global Warming, the rising sea levels causing the storm.

What are some hazards of the coastal areas?


How will global warming personally affect you?

Global warming is already raising sea levels. Many coastal areas are going to flood. We will have to abandon many towns and cities. Fragile people are especially at risk from heat waves.

Will global warming increase the amount of fresh water?

Not necessarily. Some areas will experience severe flooding from time to time, but other areas will suffer more prolonged droughts. Excessive flooding is unlikely to result in productive storage of water.