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Q: Can Renewable resources be replenished over a relatively short time?
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Renewable Resources

What are examples of renewable nonrenewable resource?

Renewable resources are anything that can be replenished in a relatively short amount of time from hours to days or at most a few years. Examples include wind, solar, water, and nuclear. Nonrenewable resources are things that are not easily replenished such as oil, coal, or natural gas.

What are examples of renewable and nonrenewable resources?

Renewable resources are anything that can be replenished in a relatively short amount of time from hours to days or at most a few years. Examples include wind, solar, water, and nuclear. Nonrenewable resources are things that are not easily replenished such as oil, coal, or natural gas.

What resources that can be replenished over a relatively short time span are called?

answer: The Answer Is Renewablee :)

Water wind and solar energy can be replenished over relatively short time spans so they are called .?


What is Water wind and solar energy can be replenished over relatively short time spans so they are called?


Water wind and solar energy can be replenished over relatively short time spans so they are called what?


What is a resources that can be used and replaced in nature over a relatively short period of time?


Replenished in a short time?

No, water is not replenished in short time. It takes months to replenish the water.

Can renewable resources be replenished over fairly short time spans?

There is no generally applicable answer.Some resources such as crops, quick growing trees and similar can be renewed in a few seasons or years. Others like fish stocks, slow growing trees or ecosystems can take generations or hundreds of years

What are the resources that can be used and replaced in nature over relatively short period of time?

these resources are called renewable resources .that means these resources get Renaud in nature by time...

What natural resource can be used and then replaced in a short period of time?

answer: The Answer Is Renewablee :)