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Yes by cleaning the earth, takes away pollution. And the pollution is what's causing global warming. But just to say, I don't believe in global warming. Because THE LORD promised he wouldn't flood the Earth again.

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Q: Can being green help global warming?
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What to put on a pamphlet on global warming?

'Help.. global warming.'

What is being done to solve the problem Are there laws relate to Global warming?

Gas emission laws are put into place to help prevent global warming.

Do greenhouse gasses help global warming?

They don't help with global warming naturally but the large buildup of greenhouse gases does assist with global warming.

What is being done to help pikas?

Uhm, Trying to stop global warming.

Who is helping to stop global warming?

its us...we can help stop the global warming..,

What can teens do to help stop global warming?

Teens can take simple steps to help stop global warming. A few of these steps would be to switch to clean energy, travel green, reduce waste and use less energy.

Do turtles help global warming or do turtles try to stop global warming?

Turtles can do nothing to either reduce or increase global warming. They are helpless pawns waiting for us to stop it. Will we help them?

What is being done to protect polar bears from global warming?

Countries and their citizens are trying to slow and maybe even stop global warming. This is the only thing that will help polar bears.

Does global warming help anything?

No -.-

How can you help the Walruses?

Stop Global Warming,all of the effects on global warming are killing these beautiful animals.Take action and help Earth!

Would the end of global warming help or hurt the ozone?

The end of global warming would help the ozone. It is because the depletion of ozone is directly related to the global warming caused by greenhouse gases.

Why is it important to know global warming?

It is important to know about and understand global warming so that we can understand the important decisions political leaders are making to abate global warming. Unless we really understand what is happening and the risks involved in allowing global warming to continue, we risk being misled by those with vested interests, who would have us believe either that global warming is not real or that it is real but there is nothing we can do. If we know about global warming, we also understand what we can do to help. We will understand that everything we do to reduce our electricity consumption will help, and we will understand that reducing our petrol or gasoline consumption is another way to help.