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Answer You would be better off waiting a day or two.

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Q: Can chlorine be added while swimming?
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Is chlorine with water in it explosive?

No. In fact chlorine is added to swimming pools to kill bacteria.

What is the element that is used in swimming pool?

Chlorine is added to swimming pool water to disinfect it.

Can chlorine kill swimmers?

yes chlorine can ufcource kill swimmers but only when it's concentrated at its high, such concentrated chlorine would never be added to the swimming pools, but yes concentrarted chlorine when added to the swimming pool can make the swimmers suffer with a vast variety of diseases

What was ian thorpe allergic to?

chlorine (chemical added to water in swimming pools)

What chemical is added to swimming pools to keep water clean?

Chlorine is generally added to swimming pools and other water attractions in order to keep the water clean. Doses of chlorine typically come in small tablets.

What chemical is added to swimming pool to balance it?

chlorine is to clean it and you can also use salt,

Which chemical is added to water in swimming pools to keep the water cleen?

*clean chlorine.

How much acid and chlorine should be added to a 5000 liter swimming pool?

How much acid and chlorine should be added to a 5000 liter to make 5 ppm solution

Why is chlorine added to swimming pool water?

So that to precipitate the ionic impurities present in water

Is chlorine ordorless?

No, it has quite a strong odour. If you have smelled household bleach or the liquid 'shock' that's added to swimming pools then you have experienced the smell of chlorine.

What is a fresh water swimming pool?

A fresh water swimming pool is a swimming pool that does not use a saltwater chlorinator. A pool that used a salt water chlorinator has salt added to it to so that a salt water chlorinator can electronically convert part of the salt into chlorine. A fresh water pool has chlorine added to it directly either manually or Automatically.

What effect does chlorine have when added to swimming pools?

It cleans out dirts, and infections that may be left in the pool after activities in the pool.