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Yes. Through the process of recrystallization.

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Q: Can crystals grow larger during metamorphism?
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Crystals such as rock candy grow larger as they are forming are these crystals alive?

No, crystals are chemical compounds that are not considered to be alive.

This process can make individual mineral crystals grow larger?


Do crystals grow larger in size in warm temperatures or cold temperatures?

cold temperature

What size crystals result from fast cooling?

When a magma cools down, it becomes a solid. Various atoms "prefer" to be arranged in a crystallic way. So when a magma cools down, crystals start to form and grow. Crystals only grow at their edges, so to make the crystal grow larger, it would need more time to do so. Magma's that cool slower have more time for the crystals inside them to grow, so the crystals will be larger, compared to a magma that cools quicker, or even a magma that comes out of the ground (then called a lava).

What does grain-size tell you about the cooling history of a rock?

Slower rates of cooling will create larger crystals. Rapid cooling allows little time for element accumulation in the crystal, therefore, the crystals created will be smaller. Larger, visible crystals in igneous rock indicate that the magma was slow cooling, usually at depth. Much smaller crystals in igneous rock indicate rapid cooling of lava, usually at or near the surface. Crystals in igneous rock will grow larger and have more time to accumulate material for their growth the more time they have at their crystallization temperature.

What does the presence of large crystals tell you about the rocks' formation?

Larger crystals suggest slower formation. Crystals would have less time to grow if cooled quickly, and so would be smaller.

What does grain size tell you about the orgin and cooling time of an igneous rock?

The larger the crystals, the more time it had to cool because the crystals had more time to grow

What are the procedures to grow crystals?

to make crystals grow

What does NASA study in space?

nasa studies how microgravity or very little gravity affect human plant crystals and liquids. for example nasa has found that the muscles and bones of astronauts weaken during space missions.plants grow in diffrent directions,crystals grow larger and water does not pour as it would on earth but falls out in spheres.

How long does it take for crystals to grow in caves?

The answer varies. Crystals have been known to "grow" or rather, accumulate within days. Larger formations can continue to grow over hundreds or thoursands of years, but quite remarkable formations can take place in even a decade.

Do crystals grow underground?

Yes crystals do grow under the ground.

How do you grow big crystals?

If you use ammonium phosphate you can make large crystals by mixing it with hot water the slower it cools the larger the crystal formed check online for more details