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they need to go through a hardening process first.

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Q: Can hydroponic plants go into soil after sprouting?
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Why does the water go from the soil into the roots of the plants after you water the plants?

because the roots are seaching for water and when water comes the roots absorb the water

What does ammonium sulphate do for plants?

Plants that need acidic soil will benefit from ammonium sulphate. There are many ways to deliver nitrogen to plants, and almost all of them are more convenient/efficient than this fertilizer. However, it will also lower the soil pH. So if you need both, there you go. Helen W

How do plant roots breathe in the soil?

Plants breathe in the soil with the help of their roots . Some plants such as mangroves grow in muddy soil which does not contain much oxygen. To get some air, some mangroves give out special roots called breathing roots. Breathing roots are lined with special cells ( called lentils ) that absorb air. But , plants usually do not breathe through their roots ( mostly through leaves ) . Mostly soil particles can go through roots but I don't know how.

How does step farming prevent soil erosion?

The roots of the plants namely primary,secondary and tertiary roots while absorbing water from the soil, will hold the soil packets around them due to the sucking action. As the plant grows, the primary roots go deeper into the soil and the secondary and tertiary roots spread around it thus widening its base. With this the capacity of the roots to hold the soil around its periphery will increase.Thus the number of plants planted at a certain predetermined distance will help to prevent the soil erosion.

How can you prevent soil exhaustion?

By either leaving the soil to go fallow which is leaving it to grow weeds for a year to allow the nutrients to return to the soil naturally or you could plant specific plants that compensate each others nutritional needs such as one type that requires alot of nitrogen with one that releases alot of nitrogen as it rots down. You can also add manure to the soil or you can use man made fertilisers. Also using certain plants that have good root systems to hold the soil together to help maintain the structure of the soil may help too.

Related questions

Can hydroponic plants go into soil after 8 weeks of growing?

Yes, but it needs to be in water during transplant

Where does the nitrogen from animals or plants go when they die?

into the soil to feed plants

Nutrients from decomposed plants and animals go back into the?

Soil, to reproduce plants.

What do plats need from the soil?

They need many things from soil. They are: 1. Ground to stand on - The soil gives the plants roots space to fix in and form the base on which the plant grows 2. Water - the roots of the plants go deep into the soil and absorb water 3. Nutrients - the roots of the plants go deep into the soil and absorb nutrients like phosporus, ammonia etc that are present in the soil

Where does plants matter go when it dies?

All it's sources and nutrients go in the soil.

What does soil help plants do?

Soil is rich in nutrients , especially nitrogenwhich is essential for the survival of plants.Roots of plants also get firmed into the soil,which allows them to go deeper into the soil in search of water, salts and minerals. Also decomposers ,like bacteria present in the soil decays organic matters,converting them to humus ,which is important for plants.

Where does water from plants go?

Water transpired by plants is passed into the atmosphere as water vapor - gaseous water.

What does helping plants do?

Soil is rich in nutrients , especially nitrogenwhich is essential for the survival of plants.Roots of plants also get firmed into the soil,which allows them to go deeper into the soil in search of water, salts and minerals. Also decomposers ,like bacteria present in the soil decays organic matters,converting them to humus ,which is important for plants.

What is the difference between growing and sprouting?

The difference is that growing happens slowly over time, while sprouting can go over a shorter period of time.

How far into the soil do plants grow roots?

A plant's roots go as deep as the C Horizon.

When plants and animals die and decay do they become fertillizers?

decomposers are what breaks down dead plants and animals and cause them to decay quickly

How does nitrogen in the soil move into a cow?

nitrogen in soil is taken by the plants when that are growing. As cow eat plants these nitrogen present in the plants go inside cow body and converted into glucose for giving cow the energy to move etc...