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The moon's synodic cycle is 29.53 days.

As recently as 1999, there was no full moon during February.

In fact 1866, 1885, 1915, 1934, 1961 did not have a full phase.

so, yes, there can be a month without a full moon.

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Q: Can there be a month without a full moon?
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What is an idiom for a month with no moon?

There is no month without a moon - the moon is our satellite and is always in the sky! There are times when we do not see it because it is a new moon that we cannot see because it is too close to the sun which is much brighter.Sometimes the month of February has no FULL moon, but that is very infrequent.Read the question again - it is asking about NO moon, not a second full moon

What month is it when it is a full moon?

There is a full moon every month and, rarely, there may be two in a given month.

What month is it when its a full moon?

There is a full moon every month of the year - on rare occasion, two full moons in the same month.

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The month the full moon the called harvest moon is October.

Does a full moon come once a month?

Yes the moon comes out as full moon once every month

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Every month has a full moon. If you look at a calander that has the moon phases, you will see that every month has one.

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A full moon comes out once a month

When is thesecondfull moon in one month called?

A second full moon in a month is a blue moon.

What is it called when there are 2 full moons in the same month?

The second full moon in a month is called a "blue moon."

Brightest moon in 30000 years?

Tonight's full moon will be the brightest this year, but not QUITE as bright as the full moon last month. Last month and this month, we have a "perigee moon", when the full moon corresponds to the closest point in the Earth's orbit. The "perigee full moon" appears about 15% larger and 30% brighter than the "average" full moon.

Why do you see the full moon only once a month?

The moon takes one month to complete a revolution around the earth. A full moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun (opposition). The full moon can only happen at this part of the lunar orbit, and it takes one month to complete the orbit; thus, full moon happens once a month.

What event happen once every month?

a full moon