

Can tornadoes be prevented

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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As of right now, Tornadoes can not be prevented and probably will never be.They area natural phenomenon. However, fatalities and injuries can be prevented if we take the right precautions.

Scientist really need to study more about tornadoes because we need a better warning system. Although it varies widely, the average lead time for a tornado warning is 14 minutes. If we could get it to 20 minutes, or more people could have a better chance to get to safety. Remember:

1.If you are outdoors and a warning is issued, get inside.Preferably the basement, but if not go to the center part of your home on the main level, crouch down and put your hands over your head, use a blanket if possible.

2.If you are driving, do not try to out run the Tornado, it may seem like a good idea, but its not.You could get on a road that's a dead end, and have to turn around only to find your heading straight for the tornado, you could run out of gash, you could get stuck in mud, etc.Find a building and get inside.If you can not get in a build, get out of your car and get in a ditch, cover your head.

3.Do not take a tornado warning lightly.It means a Tornado has been spotted and you need to get to safety.A watch means the weather is favorable and be on the look out for signs.

  • Strong, persistent rotation in the cloud base
  • Whirling dust or debris on the ground under a cloud base-this may indicate a tornado funnel that is still inside the cloud
  • Hail or heavy rain followed by either dead calm or a fast, intense wind shift. Many tornadoes are wrapped in heavy precipitation and can't be seen
  • Loud, continuous roar or rumble, which doesn't fade in a few seconds like thunder. A tornado also may sound like a waterfall, trains, and jets
  • Night- Small, bright, blue-green to white flashes at ground level near a thunderstorm, opposed to lightning flashes or strikes. These mean power lines are being snapped by very strong wind, which may be a tornado (above information from the storm prediction center)
  • The sky may be a greenish black color.
  • Clouds moving by very rapidly, which indicates strong winds
  • Debris falling from the sky
  • A funnel cloud that hasn't touched the ground yet is a huge sign of a tornado
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Q: Can tornadoes be prevented
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Tornadoes cannot be prevented.

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Nothing. Tornadoes cannot be prevented.

How can tornadoes be prevented?

Tornadoes cannot be prevented. Current technology can warn us of an approaching tornado, but can't do anything to stop it.

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No, tornadoes may be predicted to some degree but not prevented.

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No. No natural disasters can be prevented. We can only prepare for them.

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Tornadoes cannot be prevented.

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Nothing, tornadoes cannot be prevented.

Why can't tornadoes be prevented?

Tornadoes form as parts of complex systems that involve enormous amounts of energy. There is nothing under human control that can alter such powerful systems in any controllable fashion.

How can tornadoes be prevented from being destructive?

We cannot stop tornadoes from occurring or from striking communities. It may be possible to reduce the damage done, however, by building structures to standards that allow them to withstand powerful winds. Even then, few structures can survive the strongest tornadoes.

Why would you try to stop a tornado?

Tornadoes are natural disasters. Every year they cause hundreds of millions of dollars worth of damage, kill dozens, and injure hundreds. It tornadoes could be prevented, so would this carnage. Unfortunately there is no way of stopping tornadoes and it is extremely unlikely that one will be ever be developed.