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No. That would mean that a place had two different air pressures at once. Not possible.

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Q: Can two isobars drawn on a surface weather map ever intersect?
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Is joning lines in a weather map that have the same temperature called isobars?

An isotherm is a type of contour line or surface on a map that connects points of equal temperature.An isobar refers to a line drawn through all points of equal atmospheric pressure along a given reference surface.

Name the lines drawn on charts linking points of equal barometric pressure.?


Why can't parallel lines intersect?

In Euclidian geometry, which is the geometry of a plane surface, parallel lines do not intersect because that is the definition of parallel lines. But note that there are other geometrical systems in which parallel lines do intersect, for example if they are drawn on the surface of a sphere. Definition of parallel lines: Lines that always stay the same distance apart and never meet.

Who Discovered Isobars In Chemistry and Isobar Definition?

Isobars are a point or line drawn on map that connects the places of constant pressure e.g, atmospheric pressure or sea level.

Three lines can intersect in only two points?

This is true. If three straight lines are drawn, they can only intersect at two points. That is, each line will only intersect with another once.

What Lines that neither intersect nor are parallel?

If lines neither intersect nor are parallel, then they must be drawn in 3D space, or a higher dimension.(These lines are called skew lines)

How can we rewrite Euclid's fifth postulate?

Euclid's fifth postulate: If two lines are drawn which intersect a third in such a way that the sum of the inner angles on one side is less than two right angles, then the two lines inevitably must intersect each other on that side if extended far enough.It can be rewritten: If two lines are drawn which intersect a third at angles of 90 degrees, the two lines are parallel and will not intersect each other.It has also been rewritten as Playfair's axiom:In a plane, given a line and a point not on it, at most one line parallel to the given line can be drawn through the point.

What is a line drawn on a weather chart or map?

They are isobars: Places of equal air pressure. Air pressure then tells you the speed and properties of wind. The closer together the isobars, the stronger the winds. You can tell what direction the winds are by looking at the high and low pressure cells, in the southern hemisphere wind travels anti clockwise around high pressure systems, and clockwise around low pressure systems. If the wind is coming onshore, the wind will be moist. If it is coming over dry land it will be dry, and probably hot, for example if your on the east coast of Australia and the wind is a westerly (traveling from west to east across the hot dry desert) it can be assumed that this wind will bring hot and dry conditions to those areas along the east coast.

What are isobars in weather?

Isobars on a map represent areas on the map of similar atmospheric pressure.

What conclusion can be drawn about the weather?

summer is approaching

How do you sketch 3 lines that intersect in 1 plane?

it's actually pretty simple, you draw the line vertically, the draw three parallelograms representing the planes around the line almost making it like a 3D shape....

What is the name of the line drawn perpendiculars to the surface where the light rays strikes?

A normal line is the name of the line drawn perpendicular to the surface where a light ray strikes.