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Q: Carbon dioxide is a by-product of what?
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What is the byproduct of coal?

Carbon dioxide.

What molecule is byproduct of cellular respiration?

Carbon Dioxide

What is the product of sodium carbonate?

Carbon Dioxide is a byproduct.

Which gas propels out of a champagne?

Carbon Dioxide, CO2. A byproduct of fermentation.

Do plants produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct of photosynthesis?

Yes they do indeed

Is carbon dioxide helpful during combustion or burning?

No, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the byproduct or rather the waste product of a combustion reaction.

Why carbon dioxide exists?

Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of cellular respiration and is a fuel for photosynthesis, so it is actually a rather important compound.

A normal byproduct of aerobic metabolism?

carbon dioxide CO2 and Water H20

What is byproduct of slash and burn clearing of the rain forest that is harmming the atmosphere?

carbon dioxide

What is one byproduct of slash-and-burn clearing of the rain forest that is harming the atmosphere?

carbon dioxide

What is the byproduct of respiration?

False Co2...carbon dioxide (dont read this if u dont want to) there are different forms of respiration, aerobic respiration= oxygen + glucose -> carbon dioxide+ water (+energy) anaerobic respiration=

Importance of oxygen to plants?

Plants expel oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. This process takes carbon dioxide and breaks it into carbon and oxygen.