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Q: Changing sediments into sedimentary rock are compaction and?
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Is compaction a step in the rock cycle of a sedimentary rock?

Compaction is a step in the creation of detrital sedimentary rock, those formed from the lithification of sediments.

What is the process by which sediments are pushed together in layers to form sedimentary rock?

Settlement and compaction. As particles (sediments) are dumped, lets say, at the bottom of a lake, they will begin to settle and eventually harden into a sedimentary rock.

What must happen to metamorphic rock to become sedimentary rock?

The rock is eroded or weathered away into sediments. The sediments settle and through compaction , the sediments are pushed together to form a sediment. Short Answer: It must be broken down into a sediment.

What happens when rocks weathered?

When sedimentary rocks are weathered and eroded, they turn into sediments. And after compaction and cementation of the sediments, it will turn back into sedimentary rock.

What types of rocks are formed by the compaction and cementation of sediments?

Sedimentary rock are formed by cementation and compaction. This happens when sediment particles are compressed and fused together over very long periods of time.

What two geological processes are involved in changing igneous rock to sedimentary rock?

The geological processes, that are involved in changing igneous rock to sedimentary rock are; weathering, erosion, deposition and compaction.

How does a uplift to the Earth's surface make sedimentary rock?

The uplifted surface is then subjected to weathering and erosion, resulting in the deposition, compaction, and cementation of sediments which creates sedimentary rock.

What type of rock is formed when layers of loose materials are compacted and cemented together?

Sedimentary rock is formed from the processes of compaction and cementation of sediments.

What will happen to sediments in a million years?

The sediments go into the ocean and get dry and become buried. The sediments go through some cementation and compaction and become sedimentary rock! :) Hope you enjoy...

What changes are involved when mud from a lake bottom turns into a sedimentary rock then into a metamorphic rock?

The sediments on the lake bottom undergo lithification and become sedimentary rock. Further compaction, pressure, and heat turn it into metamorphic rock.

What 2 processes that cause sediment to be lithified into solid sedimentary rock?

Lithification refers to the process of turning sediments into rock. The 2 processes that cause sediment to be lithified into solid sedimentary rock are compaction and cementation.

How are sedimentary rocks formed physical process?

Metamorphic, igneous, and past sedimentary rocks are turned into sediments by weathering and erosion. Then, the sediment are deposited. Finally, by compaction and/or cementation, a sedimentary rock is formed