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Clouds are not made of cotton.

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3mo ago

Clouds are not made of cotton. Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets or ice crystals that have condensed in the atmosphere.

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Wqhat are clouds made of?

CLouds are made of gaseous water.

What are clouds out of?

clouds are made out of water

Which clouds are made of water?

Stratus Clouds

What are star's clouds made of?

Stars do not have clouds.

What clouds are made mostly of ice?

The clouds that are made of ice crystals are the cirrusclouds.

Are mars clouds made of sulfuric acid?

No, clouds on Mars are made of ice crystals. Clouds on Venus are sulfuric acid.

What kind of clouds are made from ice?

ice clouds

Are clouds made of water drops?

Yes clouds are made of tiny water droplets.

What weather is made by cumulonimbus clouds?

Cumulonimbus are the clouds of thunderstorms.

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Nebulae are made of clouds of hydrogen and other elements or clouds of dust (dark nebulae)

Are cumulus clouds made of small ice crystals?

no cirrus clouds are.

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