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Clouds form when water droplets collect on dust particles in the air. When the clouds become saturated, rain falls from the sky.

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Q: Clouds form when water droplets start growing on one of these?
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What happens when water evaroate?

The water droplets start to form clouds and when the clouds get to heavy it start to rain or snow.

How do clouds form when water droplets grow?

the water from the sea or ocean goes up the clouds then the water droplets grow.

The forming of water droplets and clouds in the atmosphere?

The forming of water droplets and clouds in the atmosphere is referred to as condensation.

Why are stratus clouds made of water droplets?

Stratus clouds are mostly made of water droplets.

How does water vapor condense into water droplets?

water vapour go up into the clouds as a gas causing the clouds to get heavy thus releasing water droplets

What type of cloud is not made of water droplets?

Cirrus clouds are not made out of water droplets.

When the what and what are right the small droplets of water in clouds form larger droplets andprecipation occurs?

When the rain and snow are right the small droplets of water in clouds forms larger droplets and precipitation occurs.

When clouds form condensed droplets of water form around what-?

Clouds form condensed droplets of water around molecules. This is tiny particle.

Are clouds made of water drops?

Yes clouds are made of tiny water droplets.

What do clouds contain?

Clouds are visible form of moisture. They can be liquid droplets or frozen droplets of water or any other chemical suspended in the atmosphere.

What cloud forms layers of water droplets?

cumulus clouds form layers with water droplets

What does it make when water droplets and water droplets join together?

They become Clouds that precipitation falls from.