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Compared to 250 g of gaseous nitrogen 250g of liquid nitrogen has greater density, viscosity, surface tension, and commercial value.

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Q: Compared to 250 g of gaseous nitrogen 250g of liquid nitrogen has greater what?
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Can liquid nitrogen gas be condensed?

Liquid nitrogen is condensed gaseous nitrogen. When a gasis condensed it is called to be in liquid state.

Is liquid nitrogen colder than nitrogen gas?

At the same pressure yes, liquid nitrogen is colder than gaseous nitrogen.

How do you nitrogen from liquid nitrogen?

When gaseous nitrogen (such as that which forms about 70% of the air that we breathe) is cooled to below -196 C (-321 F, 77 K), it will condense into a liquid state (liquid nitrogen). At this same temperature, it boils, returning to a gaseous state.

Advantages and disadvantages of nitrogen?

It is more simple to transport liquid nitrogen compared to gaseous nitrogen.

Is nitrogen a solid at 20 degrees Celsius?

Nitrogen ice is solid. Liquid nitrogen is liquid. At standard temperature and pressure, nitrogen is gaseous.

Why is it an advantage to transport nitrogen as a liquid rather than as a compressed gas?

The key to storing nitrogen as a liquid is that we need to compress and cool the nitrogen to cause it to change state from a gas to a liquid. By doing this, we can store a lot of nitrogen in a small volume compared to trying to store it as a gas.

What is the balanced equation when liquid bromine combines with gaseous nitrogen to produce gaseous nitrogen tribromide?

3Br2 + 2N2 ---> 2N2Br3 it's probably wrong but that's what i think.

What is the melting point of liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen has no melting point. A melting point is the temperature when a solid turns into a liquid. Since liquid nitrogen is already a liquid, it has no melting point. It is already melted, compared to solid nitrogen.

Is nitrogen cold or hot at room temperature?

Anything at room temperature is regarded neither cold nor hot. <><><><><> If the question meant "Is nitrogen solid, liquid, or gaseous at room temperature?", then the answer is gaseous.

When the water is a liquid what is the physical state of nitrogen?

At normal atmospheric pressure, nitrogen is gaseous over the entire liquid range of water (and considerably below as well; the boiling point of nitrogen is about 77 K).

Nitrogen is a gas?

Yes, nitrogen exists in a gaseous form (N2) at at temperatures above its boiling point. It can also exist as a liquid at 77 K.

What does the word gaseous describe?

The word gaseous describes one of the shapes of an object. An object is in the gaseous state when its particles are moving the fastest, compared to the slower states of liquid and solid.