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Physical. The wire is not changed, other than the metal becoming warmer when it bends.

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Q: Copper wire is bent is physical or chemical?
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Is stretching wire into copper a physical or chemical change?

If you meant to ask, "Is stretching copper into wire a physical or chemical change", it's a physical change.

Is stretching copper into wire physical or chemical change?

If you meant to ask, "Is stretching copper into wire a physical or chemical change", it's a physical change.

What are the difference between a substance's physical properties and its chemical properties?

Chemical properties involve reacting with another substance. IE: burning of magnesium requires oxygen after which it is no longer magnesium. Physical properties do not. IE: metals are malleable, some very malleable, like copper wire can be bent with your hand. BUT it is still copper wire.

Is copper wire a chemical property?

No. Copper (the metal, an element) has chemical properties. The shape of the copper (wire) does not affect it's chemical behavior.

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Copper can be drawn into a thin wire as a physical property or chemical property?

it is a physical property

Is forming a bar of copper into a wire chemical or physical change?

Physical. It is simply changing the shape or configuration of solid copper to another shape. Chemical changes cannot be reversed.

What are 4 physical properties of copper wire?

The same chemical properties as for any form of copper.

Is drawing copper into wire a physical property or a physical change?

Yes, it is. You aren't altering the chemical composition at all - it's still copper - you are merely changing its shape.

Is the color of a copper wire a physical property or chemical property?

Color is a physical property. However, change in color is a sign of a chemical reaction.

Why copper wire becomes stronger when bent?

It becomes weaker and breaks when bent many times.

Is drawing cooper into wire a chemical change?

No. You start with copper, and when you are finished it is still copper, so there is no chemical change. It's a physical change. You changed the shape and moved some atoms around.