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Relative dating-comparing fossils related to how old other fossils are in the same sample of rock.

If the rock has been undisturbed, the oldest rock will be at the bottom, therefore, the oldest fossils will also be at the bottom. the youngest rock will be at the top, therefore, the youngest fossils will be at the top.

Absolute Dating-When you can figure out through testing the exact age of the fossil

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Q: Dating technique involving compraring fossils in rock layers?
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How can the absolute age of a rock be determined?

Through Radioactive Dating or Isotopic Dating.

How do scientist use radioactive elements to determine the actual age of fossils?

scientist can determine a fossil's age in two ways: relative dating and absolute dating

What are the fallacies of fossil dating?

One of the biggest fallacies of fossil dating is that they use the rock layer to help determine the age of the fossils, but the fossils are also used to help determine the age of the rock layer.

What radioactive technique is used to determine the age of fossils?

What radioactive technique is used to determine the age of fossils? The radioactive technique of radiometric dating is used to determine the age of fossils. This is a way to measure the proportions of a daughter isotope and the parent radioisotope of some element trapped inside a rock since the time the rock formed. A radioisotope is a form of an element with an unstable nucleus. Radioactive atoms decay, or lose energy and subatomic particles until they reach a more stable form. It is not possible to predict the exact instant of one atom's decay, but a predictable number of an isotope's atoms will decay over a period of time. Like the ticking of a perfect clock, the characteristic rate of decay for each isotope is constant. In other words, changes in pressure, temperature, or chemical state do not alter it. Radiometric dating doesn't work for sedimentary rock. It works for volcanic rock or ashes, which hold the most fossils. The ratio of carbon 14 to carbon 12 is used to date recent fossils that still contain some carbon. The only way to date older fossils is to determine their position relative to any volcanic rocks in the same area. This dating method has an error factor of less than 10 percent.

Which are the remains of species that existed on Earth for relatively short periods of time were abundant and were wide spread geographically?

They are called index fossils, an aid to relative dating of rock.

Related questions

What is the connection between fossils and half-life dating?

The connection between fossils and half- life dating is that half-life dating is to determined how old the fossil is

What is an example of absolute dating?


Which type of dating uses index fossils?

Relative dating. Paleostratigraphy correlates layers of rock using index fossils found within them.

How scientists determine the age of a fossil?

The dating of fossils was originally done by their placement in a geologic column of rock strata. Because of the Law of Superposition, the deeper the stratum, the older it is (in an undisturbed body of rock or sediment). Fossils which were evident in a particular stratum, but missing from other strata were noted as "index" fossils. The presence of these fossils indicated the age of the stratum relative to other layers. The layers of stratum were placed in a geologic column, subdivided, and assigned names based on the presence of different types of fossil organisms.This is the basis of "relative dating" of rock layers and fossils, a dating technique that was in effect until the advent of radiometric techniques in the twentieth century.

If the fossil is to old to use uranium 235 dating?

Uranium dating methods were not used for fossils dating.

What are two of determining a fossils age?

The two methods are "RELATIVE DATING" and "ABSOLUTE DATING". :)

How can the absolute age of a rock be determined?

Through Radioactive Dating or Isotopic Dating.

Radioactive dating of fossils depends on the decay of what?


How do you tell which fossils are older?

Fossils found in deeper rock layers are typically older than those found in shallower layers. Scientists also use methods like radiometric dating to determine the age of fossils based on the decay of radioactive isotopes present in the fossils. Additionally, studying the index fossils that are typically associated with specific time periods can help determine the relative age of fossils.

Is stratigraphic dating accurate for dating fossils?

Carbon dating and radioactive dating are more effective, assuming those arn't the same thing. =]

True or False Fossils may be dated by either the relative dating method which determines the relative order of fossils or by the absolute dating method which uses radioactive isotopes?


How does relative dating enable palenteologists to estimate a fossils age?

by comparing its placement with that of fossils in other layers of rock