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scientist discovered that when axial erupted, boiling hot water shot up out of the volcano followed by a great amount of super hot lava much of this filled part of the gap between pacific plate and the juan de fuca plate creating a new seafloor

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Q: Describe how seafloor spreading occurs along the Juan de Fuca ridge?
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Where does seafloor spreading happen?

along plate boundaries

What phenomenon occurs as a result of seafloor spreading?

In 1960, seafloor spreading was hypothesized by Harry Hess of Princeton University. Seafloor spreading occurs at divergent boundaries and it is said to be the mechanism that operates along the oceanic ridge system to generate new seafloor. Thus, the result of seafloor spreading is the creation of new sea floor through the uplift of magma: magma raises from asthenosphere, new oceanic lithosphere moves from ridge, and it thickens, cools (becomes denser), and subsides.

Is seafloor spreading in the rift valley or along outsides of ridge?

rift valley

Theory proposed by Harry Hess that includes processes along mid-ocean ridges?

Seafloor spreading.

Subduction occurs where the oceanic crust bends down toward the mantle at a(n)?

Seafloor spreading occurs along mid-ocean ridges. Mid-ocean ridges are large mountain ranges on the ocean floor. The shifting in the rock causes the seafloor to spread and allows magma to bubble and form more mountains on the ocean floor.

Does sea floor spreading occurs along a transform boundary?


Where are most hydrothermal vents found?

Hydrothermal vents are found along seafloor spreading centers on the bottom of the oceans.

What is the primary evidence that forms the basis of seafloor spreading?

The magnetic properties of rocks along the mid-oceanic ridges change alignment in a symmetrical manner.

How did the new evidence support Hess's theory of seafloor spreading?

Umm Maybe by the way sea floor spreads apart along both sieds of a mid ocean ridge as new crust is added

How did new evidence support Hess's theory of seafloor spreading?

Umm Maybe by the way sea floor spreads apart along both sieds of a mid ocean ridge as new crust is added

Where do two of the earth's plates split apart?

The Mid-Atlantic-Ridge is where two of Earth's plates split apart. The Mid-Atlantic-Ridge was formed along a divergent boundary where seafloor spreading is taking place.

What physical feature is created when the seafloor spreads?

A mid-ocean ridge is formed along a line created by sea floor spreading. It usually consists of parallel mountain ranges separated by a valley. Sea floor spreading is the result of plate tectonics, where two crustal plates are moving apart. The ridge is formed along lines of the weakest points between the two plates.