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Hardness: Try to use it to scratch other minerals and have other minerals scratch it. Take for example quartz. It's a 7.0 and will scratch every mineral below a 7.0 on the Mohs hardness scale. However, it will be scratched by everything above it such as Diamond (10.0) and Corundum( rubies andsapphires, 9.0)

Streak: Use a streak plate and simply run the mineral down the plate

Density: Find the mass and volume of the mineral. For volume you'll more than likely, have a mineral that will beirregularlyshaped. You'll have to use the displacement method by filling a graduatedcylinderwith x amount of water and put the mineral inside subtracting and before and after water placement and find the difference. After this, you'll divide the mass by volume and you'll get your answer to the density of the mineral.

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Q: Describe how you can test a mineral to determine its hardness density and streak?
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What do scientists use to determine mineral hardness?

The Mohs scale of mineral hardness is generally used to determine the hardness of a mineral. The Mohs scale rates the ability of mineral to scratch or be scratched by another mineral.

What are 7 ways to determine the identity of a mineral?

Coler,luster,streak,cleavage,fracture,hardness, and density

What is the density and the hardness?

Hardness refers to a mineral's resistance. Density is the measure of how much matter there is.

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Through testing of a sample to determine hardness, luster, streak, density, and chemical composition.

What is used to to determine hardness of a mineral?


Describe seven physical properties that help distinguish one mineral from another?

Tenacity, Density, Color, Streak, Luster, Magnetism, and Hardness

What does the mohs scale determine?

it determines the hardness of a mineral.

Small amounts of different elements in the same mineral can change the what of the mineral?

colour, density and hardness.

What is used to determine a mineral's resistance to being scratched?

The Mohs mineral hardness scale.

To determine the hardness of a mineral what do scientists use.?

the mohs scale

How do you test a mineral for hardness?

Well. You can do many things like use the Mohs Hardness Scale or determine the hardness by the streak.

Scientists use this to determine a minerals resistance to being scratched?

A mineral's resistance to being scratched is known as it's hardness. You can determine hardness by scratching it with another material whose hardness is already known. If it can be scratched, then the hardness is lower. If the unknown leaves a scratch on the known material, then its hardness is higher.