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They looked like neurons.

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Q: Did any ancient civilizations develop myths about tornadoes in order to explain how or why they occur?
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Why did they believe in gods in these ancient civilizations?

the reason many ancient civilizations believed in gods was because they really didn't have much reason for many occurrences. If their was a hurricane or a volcanic eruption, it was because they thought the gods were mad at them. Having gods gave them a reason for things that at the time they couldn't explain.

Why is there a story for every constellation?

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Tornadoes and earthquakes are completely unrelated phenomena. In brief, tornadoes develop when severe thunderstorms gain rotation from wind shear and that rotation tightens, intensifies, and extends to the ground. Earthquakes usually occur when rocks slip along cracks called faults, releasing stress that has built of from the movement of tectonic plates.

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Why did ancient societies develop organized religions?

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The difference in the civilizations of ancient America developed into two different ideologies of government; this is mainly due to the geography of the land, and the supplies that were available.

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They are the religion of the ancient Greeks.

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