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The worldwide community donated more than $7 billion (US) to Chile.

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Q: Did other countries help Chile in the 1960 earthquake?
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When did the 1960 chile earthquake happen?

May 22 1960

When did the 1960 earthquake happen in Chile?

May 22, 1960.

Where was the epicenter of 1960 chile earthquake?

in mexico

In 1960 what was the magnitude of the earthquake that hit Chile?


What is the biggest earthquake recorded?

The largest earthquake ever recorded was the 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Valdivia, Chile which measure at 9.5 on the Richter scale.

Is 8.9 ranked the highest earthquake?

No, a 9.5 magnitude earthquake hit Chile in 1960.

How much money did it cost to rebuild Chile after 1960 earthquake?

It cost 50 trillion doll hairs to rebuild chile after the earthquake.

What was the date of the 9.9 earthquake in chile?

May 22, 1960.

Where and what was largest earthquake located?

Chile,1960, 9.5 Magnitde

Why are earthquakes to be expected in Chile?

Because in 1960 there was a big earthquake

What type of boundary was the earthquake of Chile 1960?

convergent boundary

Did a tsunami hit Chile?

Yes. Chile was devastated by an earthquake and tsunami on May 22, 1960.