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they are both volcanoes and both erupt something

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Q: Differences between lava and ash landforms and magma landforms?
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What is the earth magma?

it's lava but in it's liquid form. A common misconception between magma and lava is lava is solid and magma is liquid hot.

What is the difference between outer magma and lava?

the difference is that outer magma is outside, and lava is inside.

Magma that flows on the Earth's surface?

When molten magma emerges and flows on the surface of the earth, it becomes lava. Lava is an extrusive substance or material that after cooling and solidifying hardens to form rocks and other landforms of igneous characteristics on the earths surface.

Does magma equals lava?

Lava and magma are both substances produced by volcanoes. There is a difference between the two, however. Specifically, magma has not yet come out of a volcano, while lava is magma that has erupted out of the cone.

What are the temperatures for lava and magma?

Lava - between 700 - 1300 degrees Celsius magma - same as above

How can volcanic eruption cause both slow changes and rapid changes to landforms?

The magma pushes together with the lava .

What Magma and lava can both solidify to produce?

They are both the same thing, which is melted rock, which means they solidify to form rock. The only difference between magma and lava is that magma is underground, and lava is not.

Is lava and magma the same?

Magma and lava are like each other but magma is below the Earth and lava reaches the Earth's surface.

Lava and magma?

Magma is molten material under the Earths crust with temperatures between 700-1300 degrees. Lava is the magma that reaches the surface and exits the volcano.

Is lava magma?

yes. magma is the lava that is in the volcano and lava is the magma that is outside a volcano

difference between lava ana magma?

lava _________________________________ magma__________________________________

What landforms are made from magma?

If you mean lava, probably anything, but usually islands or land.