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Mid Ocean ridges separate the plates and create new seafloor. Places where plates converge and disappear into the abyss are called trenches. The Marianas Trench is the deepest trench in the world.

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Q: Do Plates move together or apart at mid ocean ridges?
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Do Ocean Trenches Occur where plates are moving apart or where They are moving apart?

at mid ocean ridges

Ocean crust is formed where in the ocean?

New ocean crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges where tectonic plates are diverging (spreading apart).

When plates beneath the ocean move apart from one another what happens to the magma below?

Magma is extruded as lava at the mid-ocean ridges when they are pulled apart.

How are the plates moving at the mid ocean ridge?

Because diverging plate boundaries occur at mid-ocean ridges, this means the two lithospheric plates are spreading apart.

Why are tilted blocks of rock common along mid-ocean ridges?

Plates move apart at these tectonic plate boundaries.

Are mid-ocean ridges located mostly along coastlines?

No, mid-ocean ridges are not located mostly along coastlines. Mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountain ranges that form where tectonic plates are pulling apart. They are located in the middle of the ocean and can extend for thousands of kilometers.

Where are mid ocean ridges?

They are found at a plate boundary. When two plates move apart (divergent) magma rises through the gap.

Mid-Ocean ridges are found where?

They are found at a plate boundary. When two plates move apart (divergent) magma rises through the gap.

Where can ignoeus rock be found?

Igneous rocks form only in certain places. Fractionation occurs mostly where tectonic plates are either moving apart at mid ocean ridges or pushing together at subduction zones.

Why do oceanic rises and oceanic ridges exist?

They are located at spreading centers in the middle of the ocean. As tectonic plates move apart, magma fills it in and creates ridges and rises which are essentially mountain chains.

How do mid-ocean ridges work?

Two tectonic plates move apart, allowing for geologic activity along the boundary that slowly build a ridgeline along the bottom of the ocean.

What is located in midocean ridges?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is found on the ocean floor in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.