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They are inclined to turn the soil acid.i

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Q: Do evergreens make soil acid or alkaline?
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Will lime harm a evergreen tree?

Lime will change the PH of the soil. Evergreens like a acid soil and lime will add to much alkaline.

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What does an alkali fertilizer do to an acid soil?

As in all acid-base (alkali) reactions, it will reduce the acidity of the soil and, if there is an excess of base to acid, it can make the soil become alkaline. The soil will be less acidic if base is less than acidity, become neutral (if base = acidity), or become alkaline if base is greater than acidity.

Do dogwood trees and bushes like acid or alkaline soil?

Why would a plant like acid? Obviously go with the soil.

Is soil acid or alkallai?

Soil is not the same everywhere. In different locations we can find soil with different chemical composition, and different pH. Soil can be either acid or alkaline.

Does corn grow better in acid or alkaline soil?

most vegetables, as including corn, grow well in acid soil and acidic soil isn't a problem for them.

What property of slaked lime is important in neutralising acid soils?

It is an alkaline substance, which neutralises the acid in the soil.

What is better for plant growing- acid or alkaline soil?

It depends on the preference of the plant .

How do you fix Alkaline soil?

Add acid. Peat moss is a good one.

Do bean plants grow better in an acid soil or an alkaline soil?

bean plants are acidifying foods, so they grow better in acid soils.