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No, not really. Winds tend to blow out of the High pressure areas to low pressure areas. This causes the clouds to follow the winds and that is the reason why you would expect a nice sunny weather when a high pressure area moves over you.

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Q: Do fronts occur in areas of high pressure?
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Do high pressure systems form along fronts?

High pressure is not associated with fronts (or air mass boundaries).

Why do high pressure fronts follow cold fronts?

To cause thunderstorms

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The zone is called a front. There are a few types of fronts. They are: cold front, warm front, occluded front & stationary front.

Weather is caused by the interaction of air sun water which form?

Weather is caused by the interaction of air,water,and sun. This forms air masses which can soon form fronts where air moves from high pressure areas to low pressure areas.

Will wind always blow to the high areas of high pressure?

No. Wind blows away from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.

What is a stationary front an area of high or low pressure?

A stationary front would be associated with an area of low pressure (high pressure does not have fronts).

Areas that are warmer have what kind of pressure?

They can have high or low pressure. Low pressure is caused by wind variances in the troposphere and that can occur anywhere. You'll notice that warmer tropical areas have more hurricanes. Hurricanes are low pressure systems.

One place where form is along fronts?

high pressure systems

What is air moving in a specific direction?

From areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Hope this helps! :)

What are the high atmospheric pressure areas differences between high and low pressure areas?

i do't no