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With the conditions of temperature and pressure found on the Earth hydrogen and oxygen in their free state are gas molecules consisting of two atoms. But nitrogen gas can also be found in this form.

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3mo ago

Hydrogen and nitrogen usually occur as diatomic molecules (H2 and N2) in nature. Oxygen typically exists as a diatomic molecule (O2) as well. However, all three elements can exist as single atoms in certain conditions, such as in highly reactive environments or in the form of ions.

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Q: Do hydrogen nitrogen and oxygen normally occur as single atoms?
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What is the molecular formula for nitrogen oxygen carbon and hydrogen?

Nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen are elements that combine to form molecules in a vast number of ways. There is no single molecular formula for them. The symbols for these elements are: nitrogen: N oxygen: O carbon: C hydrogen: H

What best describes the difference between the formulas for nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide?

The formula for nitrogen monoxide is NO, where nitrogen and oxygen are bonded with a single bond. In contrast, the formula for nitrogen dioxide is NO2, where nitrogen and one oxygen atom are bonded with a double bond and another oxygen atom is bonded with a single bond.

Does the functional group hydroxyl contain nitrogen?

No. A hydroxyl group consists of an oxygen bonded to a hydrogen (-OH). A single hydroxyl group on an alkyl chain characterizes the alcohol family of organic compounds (i.e. ethanol: CH3CH2OH).

How many hydrogen bonds can ammonia molecule forms?

Intramolecular forces; Hydrogen bonds occur in ammonia between the nitrogen and the hydrogen, NH3.Intermolecular forces:Hydrogen bonding between molecules occurs between the electronegative nitrogen atom (N) of one molecule of ammonia and an electropositive hydrogen atom (H) bonded to a nitrogen of different molecule of ammonia.

How is the molecular formula NO different from the molecular formula N2O?

The molecular formula NO represents a single nitrogen atom bonded to an oxygen atom, while the molecular formula N2O represents two nitrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom. Thus, the composition and arrangement of atoms in the two molecules differ.

Related questions

What is the molecular formula for nitrogen oxygen carbon and hydrogen?

Nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen are elements that combine to form molecules in a vast number of ways. There is no single molecular formula for them. The symbols for these elements are: nitrogen: N oxygen: O carbon: C hydrogen: H

What are some examples of covalent bond?

Single, double, and triple carbon-carbon bonds; carbon-hydrogen bonds; carbon-halogen bonds; hydrogen-hydrogen bonds; nitrogen-nitrogen bonds; single and double carbon-oxygen bonds; silicon-oxygen bonds; nitrogen-oxygen bonds; etc.

What type of chemical bond does nitric acid have?

Nitric acid typically forms covalent bonds between nitrogen and oxygen atoms. The oxygen atoms are electronegative and tend to draw electron density towards themselves, creating a polar covalent bond with the nitrogen atom.

What element is nucleic acids?

Nucleic acids are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

Why can a compound containing carbon nitrogen and carbon oxygen single bonds can form coordinate covalent bonds with hydrogen but compounds containing only carbon hydrogen and carbon carb bonds cannot?

Carbon-nitrogen and carbon-oxygen single bonds have lone pairs of electrons that can participate in forming coordinate covalent bonds with hydrogen atoms, while carbon-hydrogen and carbon-carbon single bonds lack available lone pairs to participate in such bonding. Therefore, compounds containing carbon-nitrogen and carbon-oxygen single bonds can form coordinate covalent bonds with hydrogen, but compounds with only carbon-hydrogen and carbon-carbon single bonds typically cannot.

What elements are contained in each macromolecule?

Carbohydrates consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; lipids consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; proteins consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen; nucleic acids consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

Why tree is not an element?

An element is one single type of atom, oxygen is an element so are hydrogen and carbon. A tree is made of many elements put together, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen etc.

What kind of bonds can nitrogen form?

Nitrogen can form single, double, and triple covalent bonds with other atoms. It can also form hydrogen bonds with hydrogen, oxygen, or fluorine. Additionally, nitrogen can participate in metallic bonds in certain metal compounds.

Which element can form a single bond?

Any element that has available electrons in its outer shell can form a single bond with another atom by sharing one pair of electrons. Examples include hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen.

Why does it take several redox reactions in a cell to make water from hydrogen?

Hydrogen and oxygen combine explosively in a single reaction.

What best describes the difference between the formulas for nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide?

The formula for nitrogen monoxide is NO, where nitrogen and oxygen are bonded with a single bond. In contrast, the formula for nitrogen dioxide is NO2, where nitrogen and one oxygen atom are bonded with a double bond and another oxygen atom is bonded with a single bond.

Are peroxide and ammonia the same?

No, peroxide and ammonia are not the same. Peroxide is a compound that contains an oxygen-oxygen single bond, while ammonia is a compound that contains nitrogen and hydrogen atoms. They have different chemical properties and uses.