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S waves cause more damage because they are slower.

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Q: Do p or s waves cause more damage?
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Which wave does most damage p wave or s wave?

A p wave because it can move so fast with more force. P waves cause little damage, they are compressional waves. They are at a higher frequency and a lower amplitude than surface waves which are shear waves. S-waves cause the most damage because they are slow moving and have an amplitude much greater than P-waves.

What do P waves do to buildings?

P waves do not cause significant damage to buildings, due to their bigger amplitudes.

Why are surface waves more destructive to building p waves or s waves?

Because surface waves have a larger amplitude and thus more energy and so can cause more damage than P and S waves. they are more destructive because they are on the suface and because they are slowerRate This Answer

Which causes more damage p waves or s waves?

p-waves because they have more forcce and they are faster hope it helped :)

What travels faster P waves or S waves?

S-waves are stronger, but travel slower and can only travel through solids.

What type of seismic waves causes the worst damage?

There are P waves, S waves, and Surface waves [coming in that order]. The P waves are that half second jolt, the S waves are the 2-10 second rumbles, and the Surface waves go crazy and cause the most damage.

What damage do p waves cause?

P waves typically cause little to no damage when it comes to buildings, because buildings are usually built to withhold a back-and-forth motion (being the most common motion). I hope this helps. :)

Is it true or false as s waves move through the ground they cause it to compress and then expand?

False, as P waves move through the ground, they cause it to compress and then expand. P waves are the first to arrive and can damage buildings.

Why are surface waves more destructive to building than p waves or s waves are?

Surface waves stem from body waves(P and S waves) that reach the surface. Because of their low frequency, long duration, and large amplitude, the Surface waves can be the most destructive type of seismic wave.

Which seismic waves cause the least damage?

The Love and Rayleigh waves (collectively known as surface waves) are the slowest moving but most damaging of the seismic waves.

These waves cause back and forth motion?

The type of seismic waves that cause back and forth motions are P waves. P waves cause particles in material to vibrate back and forth.

Which type of wave caused by an earthquake does the most above-ground damage?

Rayleigh waves, which are caused by interaction of the P waves and S waves. Rayleigh waves cause the most surface damage because they 'roll' the ground, causing building to topple, roads to crack and fall apart and more cracks and fissues to appear in flat level ground, such as fields and parks.