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I dunno, maybe i think they do but you should ask someone else I dunno, maybe i think they do but you should ask someone else

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Q: Do people put rocks in their windows to keep evil away?
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What clever plan did the Ibo people have when they gave the Evil Forest to the missionaries?

The evil forest was to curse the missionaries, give them bad luck.

Why is Mother Nature evil?

Mother Nature, and evil are human constructs and have no value in science.

Are tornadoes evil?

Tornadoes are morally neutral, they are not good and they are not evil. It is what it is -- a violent windstorm. Tornadoes do not choose to be destructive they don't have consciousness or the ability to make a choice. Simply put, it is a natural occurence that must be dealt with when it comes.

What is An isolated remnant of wave erosion called?

that would be a Sea stack. not a jetty ... whoever put jetty is evil

Why should fossil fuels be banned?

Because fossil fuels are what drives the engine of capitalism, and capitalism is evil, evil. Because fossil fuels is what gives people the freedom to move around as much as they want, and we can't have that. Because fossil fuels make it possible to grow food in huge abundance, enabling farmers to feed billions of people, and the world is overpopulated, and we would be much better off if there were several billion less people in the world. Because if fossil fuels were banned, the world economy would collapse and human society would revert to the stone age, and we all know that would be better for the planet. This is what the so-called "environmentalists" want. The destruction of capitalism; the end of personal freedom; the absolute power of the State; massive population reduction; subsistence farming; stone age society. Banning fossil fuels will accomplish that.

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Do people put rocks in windows to keep evil away?


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Who thinks Adolph Hitler rocks?

no one should he killed many innocent people and was racist towards Jews. He does not "rock", but is evil. Anyone who has a heart can see he was evil.

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They believe that the noise of the firecracker will scare off demons and evil spirits

What helps people realize that evil leads them away from god?

People will generally see the evil in others than themselves. This would be a good place to start. It is the Holy Spirit who will convict them of the evil inside themselves.

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The mask

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Yes, you can play the game on Windows 7. According to the Ubisoft website, where they have an instruction on their site on how to install Resident Evil 4 on Windows 7, it is possible.

Who was the first people to celebrate Halloween?

religious people ,so they could scare away the devil,and all evil souls.