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Q: Do shells have a high silica content?
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What is the behavior of lava with silica content being high and low?

Lava with high silica content will erupt explosively, if it has low silica content it will flow.

Does kilauea have a high or low silica content?

Kilauea erupts low-silica lava.

Does pillow lava have high silica?

No. Pillow lava is basaltic, so it has a low silica content.

Does have a high or low silica content?

Because Mount Rainier is a Strato Volcano it has both quiet and explosive eruptions. Explosive(pyroclastic) flows have a high silica level. Quiet have low silica levels. The more silica the thicker the magma.

What is the name of a volcanic rock with high silica content?


What is a light colored rock with a high silica content?


What is the silica content of magma?

Mt. Etna is a stratovolcano like Krakatoa and Mt. Vesuvius, therefore it has a high silica content. Though lava with a high silica content does not tend to travel very far away from the source; it can be a double edged sword as magma with a high silica content tends to trap gasses until it reaches a bursting point, ending in a massive eruption.

How does the quartz in the lava effect it and how it erupts?

If lava contains quartz that means the silica content is high. A high silica content makes lava more viscous, and gives it the tendency to erupt explosively.

What is the relationship between the silica contents of magma and the explosiveness of a volcanic eruption?

The high the silica content, the explosive and the eruption.

What is silica content of a cinder cone volcano?

High silica levels are in cinder cone volcano's

How does silica content affect igenous rocks?

It determines high silica or low silica. It will determine if it is sticky or not, or if it flows fast or slow. *high in silica~Sticky, and slow. Will not flow easily. *low in silica~Fact, not sticky. Will flow easily.

What does silica content?

Any metrial or thing which containts silica in it is call silica content..