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They are very light if at all, most of the winds at the equator are going straight up due to the amount of heating.

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12y ago

The blow in the subtropics (away from the equator to about 30 degrees) toward the equator, from high pressure to low pressure and curving to the west due to the Coriolis Effect.

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Q: Do the trade winds occur on the equator?
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Where do trade winds occur?

30 N or S to the equator

What are winds called that blow toward the equator?

The trade winds (northeast or southeast depending on which hemisphere you're in) blow towards the Equator.

What is the area around the equator where trade winds meet?

the area around the equator where trade winds meet is called the doldrums.

What is the area around the equator where trade winds meet called?

The area around the equator where trade winds meet are called

Where are the trade winds?

a wind blowing steadily towards the equator is called trade winds

What is a belt of steady winds blowing toward the equator?

Trade winds!

The trade winds are located about degrees north and south of the equator?

The trade winds are located 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south of the equator.

What are the characteristics of the doldrums and why do they occur?

The high solar intensity at equatorial latitudes causes intense heating at the equator, which produces powerful convection currents called Prevailing Winds. The Doldrums are where the prevailing winds at the Equator die.

What are winds along the equator called?

The trade winds coming from the north and the south meet near the equator. They produce upward winds and are heated.

What are winds that blow from the east from the horse latitude toward the equator?

Trade Winds

What are winds that blow from east to west between the tropics and the equator?

trade winds

Global winds found between 30 and 60 degrees lattitude?

There are trade winds and doldrums- ( which is right on the equator )