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Largely by coincidence, the most tornado-prone area in the world, the Great Plains is also a very flat area. However, the hills of Tennessee and northern Alabama are also quite prone to tornadoes.

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Q: Do tornadoes mostly occur in flat areas?
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Where do tornado mostly atack?

Tornadoes can occur in any place that gets thunderstorms. But they are most common in the Central United States.

Tornadoes are likely to occur over flat areas such as?

Tornadoes most famously occur on the Great Plains, but they are not uncommon in some hilly areas such as the Ohio River Valley.

Do tornadoes most likely occur when the land is flat?

Many of the area frequented by tornadoes are flat. But there are a number of tornado prone areas that are hilly.

Why do tornadoes occur on flat lands?

Tornadoes are not limited to flat lands and contrary to popular belief hills do not hinder tornadoes. On many occasions they have been spotted in hilly or mountainous areas. Tornadoes are very common the the Great Plains of North America, which are flat, but this has more to do with climate than topography.

Do tornadoes form on endless hills?

Contrary to popular belief tornadoes can and do form in hilly areas. The are also common in flat areas as well. On rarer occasions tornadoes have also formed in mountainous regions.

What type of topography is usually associated with tornadoes?

Tornadoes can occur in just about any terrain, but they are most often associated with flat terrain.

Are there tornadoes in Africa since its so flat?

Yes Tornadoes can happen Africa. They can take place anywhere in the world, even in water (warm water) called waterspouts. It doesn't matter how flat the land is, tornadoes can still occur-anywhere at anytime.

Do downbursts occur in flat areas?

Downbirsts can occur anywhere that there are severe thunderstorms, regardless of terrain.

Some parts of Earth's surface are mostly flat and these large flat areas are called what?

The most usual term for large, flat areas is plains.

Where do tornadoes occur most frequently?

Tornadoes occur the most in Tornado Alley, a region in the United states that includes Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Missouri, South Dakota and Iowa. While tornadoes can occur elsewhere, nowhere else in the world do they occur more frequently.

Why do tornadoes happen mostly on flat land?

Hills and mountains can, to some degree, disrupt thunderstorms from organizing, making tornadoes less likely. Overall, through, tornadoes are more influenced by climate than topography. It just so happens that the most tornado-prone region in the world, the central U.S., is also quite flat.

Will erosion mostly occur on hills or flat land?

On hills. Think: gravity. Rain. Dirt. Sliding.