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You need an atmosphere more than just for breathing but yes, an atmosphere is needed in order for us to breathe oxygen (it's in our atmosphere).

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Q: Do you need atmosphere to breathe?
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Related questions

Why do people need the atmosphere to live?

The atmosphere contains oxygen that we need to breathe. Without the atmosphere there would be no oxygen to breathe. Also without an atmosphere there would be the vacuum of space and life cannot survive in a vacuum. Just picture living in suits like the astronauts wear.

How does the sun affect the air you need to breath?

The sun affects the air you need to breathe directly. When the sun is hot, it warms up the air in the atmosphere which means that you will breathe in hot air.

Can you breathe on planet mercury?

No. Mercury essentially has no atmosphere. Earth is the only planet with an atmosphere that humans can breathe.

How is atmosphere organized?

The atmosphere is organized in a mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth. In addition to containing the oxygen we need to breathe, it protects us from the sun's harmful rays.

What is significance of air?

Our atmosphere protects us from harmful radiation and also gives us the oxygen we need to breathe.

Can you breathe the lunar atmosphere?

Yes you Can

How does the atmosphere preserve life on Earth?

There is oxygen in the atmosphere. This lets us breathe.

What do you need to breathe in and out?

You need to breathe in oxygen and you need to breathe out carbon dioxide.

Can you breathe Jupiter's atmosphere?

No. Jupiter's atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium with no free oxygen.

What part of the earth system contains the air you breathe?

I think it's the atmosphere

Why is it harder to breathe he higher you go?

Because - the higher up the atmosphere you go - the less oxygen is in the air you breathe. Our bodies need a certain percentage of the air we breathe to be Oxygen - reduce the amount of oxygen in each breath, and it soon affects the body.

Do plants breathe water vapor back into the atmosphere?

no they do not