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CaO has a higher melting point.

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CaO (calcium oxide) has a higher melting point than CS2 (carbon disulfide). This is because CaO is an ionic compound with strong electrostatic forces between ions, while CS2 is a covalent compound with weaker intermolecular forces.

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Q: Does CaO or CS2 have a higher melting point?
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What element has a higher melting point CaO or CS2?

CaO has a higher melting point than CS2. CaO (calcium oxide) is an ionic compound with strong electrostatic forces between its ions, resulting in a higher melting point. CS2 (carbon disulfide) is a covalent compound with weaker intermolecular forces, leading to a lower melting point.

Why does calcium oxide have a higher melting point than sodium chloride?

Calcium oxide has a higher melting point than sodium chloride because calcium oxide has stronger ionic bonds due to the higher charge of calcium ions (+2) compared to sodium ions (+1). The stronger ionic bonds in calcium oxide require more energy to break, resulting in a higher melting point.

Is CaO a solid?

Yes, CaO (calcium oxide) is a solid at room temperature. It is a white crystalline solid with a high melting point.

What phase is CaO?

Calcium oxide (CaO) is a solid at room temperature and is commonly known as quicklime. It has a high melting point of 2,572 degrees Celsius, indicating that it is in a solid phase under normal conditions.

Some compounds composed of two elements?

Water - H2O Methan - CH4 Hydrochloric acid - HCl Carbon sulphide - CS2 Calcium oxide - CaO Uranium dioxide - UO2

Calcium oxide state?

Calcium oxide exists as a solid at room temperature and pressure. It is a white, crystalline compound with a high melting point.

What three compounds are best for melting marble?

Marble CaCO3 can not be melted it becomes decomposed on heating, in to CaO and CO2.

What are marbles boiling point?

Most magmas (melted rock) are in a range of temperature between 700C-1300C. Because rocks are made of combinations of different minerals, each with its own melting point, the composition of the rock will affect the melting point.

Which have the highest boiling point mgo and cao or nacl and hcl or co2 and so2?

MgO and CaO have higher boiling points compared to NaCl and HCl, and CO2 and SO2. This is because MgO and CaO are ionic compounds that have stronger electrostatic forces between ions, leading to higher boiling points. NaCl and HCl are also ionic compounds but have lower boiling points compared to MgO and CaO. CO2 and SO2 are molecular compounds with weaker intermolecular forces, resulting in lower boiling points compared to the ionic compounds.

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SFC or higher

What has the author Cao Cao written?

Cao Cao has written: 'Cao Cao shi wen xuan'

When was Cao-Cao born?

Cao-Cao was born in 1973.