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A Gas has more potential energy due to the weak intermolecular forces that are apparent among gas molecules. Solid particles are very close to each other, thus more energy is needed to break the intermolecular forces among solid particles, hence a low potential energy.

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13y ago

the atoms in a gas move more freely while those in a solid can barely move and the atoms in a solid are more slow...there for a gas has more energy than a solid

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Q: Does a gas or solid have more potential energy?
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Hows the energy differs between a solid liquid and gas?

In three equal masses of the same pure substance, the solid, the liquid and the gas would all have the same amount of total energy. The solid will have less kinetic but more potential, the gas will have more kinetic but lesl potential energy.

During which phase change requires water is the most energy released into the environment?

Going from gas phase directly to solid state will conserve maximum energy. Just the opposite of the statement above will be true for maximum energy release. Changing from solid to directly into gas is called sublimation.

Why does hydrogen burn before carbon?

There are two reasons. It burns faster because hydrogen is a gas and carbon is a solid. In general, almost all reactions occur much much faster in the gas phase because each molecule can much more easily encounter other molecules with which to react. Burning is a reaction where oxygen gas is combined with the burning material, and so a gas can mix much better and faster with oxygen gas then a solid can (because in a solid, only the molecules on the surface of the solid can react, whereas in a gas, all the molecules can potentially react). Also, a liquid is between a solid and gas in terms of this effect because the molecules are more available than in a solid because they are free to move within the container. The second reason is that hydrogen is simply much more flammable than carbon is, so that even if the carbon was in the gas phase, it would still react more slowly than hydrogen. This has to do with the energy of the reactants and the energy of the products that are formed in the reaction. Hydrogen is a high energy molecule and thus is extremely flammable. Carbon is not nearly as high energy, and is therefore much less flammable.

Do The products CO2 and H20 contain more energy than does the reactant glucose?

they are they same. the products of photosynthesis are oxygen and glucose and the reactants of cellular respiration are gluose and oxygen.

Which phase of matter do particles have the most energy and the least energy?

Particles of matter have their least kinetic energy in the solid phase and their greatest kinetic energy in the gas phase.

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Hows the energy differs between a solid liquid and gas?

In three equal masses of the same pure substance, the solid, the liquid and the gas would all have the same amount of total energy. The solid will have less kinetic but more potential, the gas will have more kinetic but lesl potential energy.

What has more energy gas liquid or solid?

Solid has more energy. It has extensive energy as compared to liquid and gas.

Is fuel a gas?

A fuel is any substance used as a potential energy source. It could be a solid, liquid, or gas.

Particles of a solid have more energy than those of gas?

No. Assuming we're talking about the same substance, particles of a gas have more energy than particles of a solid.

Why is the particles of a solid have more energy than those of a gas is false?

because a gas is more heated, and heat gives the particles more energy, so in turn the partilces of a gas has more energy

Does the gas particles move or less than in a solid?

more because gas particles have more energy to move with rater than solid which has little

Is a gallon of gas potential or kinetic energy?

Chemical energy, which is a type of potential energy.Chemical energy, which is a type of potential energy.Chemical energy, which is a type of potential energy.Chemical energy, which is a type of potential energy.

Does the ice phase or the gas phase have more potential energy?

no maybe the gas phase though

Does solid have more energy than liquid?

ANSWERI don't understand how much energy is in a solid. Will someone please give an answer to this question...HOW MUCH ENERGY IS IN A SOLID, LIQUID AND GAS???Well actually solid has the least, liquid has moderate and gas is fast.

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Do the particles of solid have more energy than those of gas?