

Does chlorine affect alkalinity

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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Chlorine will indeed affect alkalinity. It will lower the alkalinity. If you add chlorine gas to water, it will create hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid. Cl2 + H2O <-> HCl + HOCl

Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) will do the opposite and raise pH.

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Chlorine will not raise the total alkalinity level in a pool. However, if you are trying to raise the total alkalinity, you can add small amounts of baking soda.

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lower it

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That usually means high chlorine. Try doubling the amount of chlorine neutralizer on a second test.

What do i do if Ph is low alkalinity is low chlorine level is fine in pool?

add some form of alkalinity booster for sure. bring it too about 110ppm, chlorine has a naturally high pH, but the higher alkalinity addition will stop acidic compounds from attacking the pH any further. depending on how low the pH is though you may have to add a pH booster, take your water into a pool shop for an in depth water analysis.

Baking soda was added to my pool and ever since the pool is still cloudy even after shock treatment. It is also sudding up What is wrong?

I know the whole key to keeping a pool clean is balance. PH and alkalinity affect the chlorine, chlorine affects the PH and alkalinity. Get and keep the PH and alkalinity balanced and the rest should be easy. If the PH is too high chlorine will no work. Why was baking soda intorduced? Key to cloudy water is filtration along with proper chem. balance. Extend the run time on the pump by8 to 12 hrs and within a day you will see why you have extended the run time.

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i love u

How often should you check pool chemicals?

Chlorine, pH, Alkalinity weekly in swimming season Calcium, stabilizer, salt (if you have a Chlorine generator) metals monthly

How does the alkalinity affect a pond ecosystem?

water quality will be reduced

How do you stop zoological growth in pool?

Proper chemistry: pH, Chlorine, Alkalinity, TDS. Once all of that is okay, shock the pool once in a while with chlorine if need be.

Why do your eyes turn red after swimming in a pool with chlorine?

Because of the reaction of your eyes to ocean water or chlorine. The salt water can affect your eyes in a bad way. If your eyes are open in the ocean for too long, you could die or go blind. In a pool, the thing is chlorine. Your eyes are sensitive to the chemicals.

What is the purpose of adding HCl in the chlorine water?

To decrease the pH of the pool, hopefully keeping it at whatever alkalinity/acidity you desire.

Does hard water require the use of more chlorine in a pool?

You just have to watch you pH and alkalinity levels and adjust at least weekly.