

Does chlorine sting an open cut?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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yes it will burn really bad.

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Q: Does chlorine sting an open cut?
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Will chlorine hurt your wounds?

It would sting but the chlorine would has natural chemicals that help you cut but if it is deep I recommend seeing a doctor

Will chlorine affect a cut on your finger?

It might, depending on the amount of chlorine that is in the pool. Your cut will probally sting at first, but if the pool has low chlorine levels, you should be fine. But do not swim in the pool if the cut is deep and happened the day you are about to swim, or still bleeding. A paper cut is fine to swim with. It would be best to cover your cut with a bandaid that has a seal on all four sides, or wrap some medical tape around a bandaid if the sides are open. Be careful, and if your cut stings, and keeps stinging beyond the anitial shock, get out of the pool, and put a bandaid on it. Hope this helps!

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I had jellyfish sting that was a week old and I went swimming and now the stinging is back and extremely bad itching as well. I would reccommend no chlorine on the jellyfish sting

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The way are sense of smell works the smell of chlorine in hottubs should not sting your nose.

Is chlorine good for a bee sting?

NO NO NO. Do not put chlorine on any open wound or abrasion. It is caustic and may make the sting WORSE. Try a slice of onion or a touch-me-not leaf, or any over the counter cream for insect stings.

Which is worse to open your eyes in normal water or chlorine water?

Chlorine water. Normal fresh water is good and it cleanses your eyes. But chlorine water is fine as long as there's not to much in the pool your eyes may sting and go red afterwards so just splash them with fresh normal water

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No as it can sting your lips if they are cracked or cut.

Can you get in beach water if you have an open cut?

yes but it would sting and the germs in the water could get in. If you really want to get in the refreshing liquid then you can use water proff band aids

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It depends. It certainly can sting if the cut is large. If you are using it on a deep cut, you should consult your doctor first.

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jade and lachy are the awesomest

What happens when chlorine goes in a cut?

it stings, if you get enough, it may poison some cells, if you get a bunch (injection) you could die. but if you are talking about, you got a cut, then went to chlorinate a pool, and got some on your cut, then it probably won't do much other than sting. unless you had a large gash. then it might. but a gash that large would not be sitting exposed, as you may have bandaged it.

How do you get deodorant burn?

IF you have a cut or a rash under your pits it can burn or sting