

Does cotton help the environment

Updated: 6/14/2024
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14y ago

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No it damages it. Think about the poor sheep.

What iks the relevance of sheep to cotton? And what is the evidence that cotton damages the environment?

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Cotton can have environmental benefits when grown using sustainable practices such as organic farming, limited use of pesticides, and water-efficient irrigation methods. However, conventional cotton farming is resource-intensive, relying heavily on pesticides, fertilizers, and water, which can have negative environmental impacts such as water contamination and soil degradation.

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Q: Does cotton help the environment
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Does cotton grow in hot or cold weather?

Cotton grows best in hot weather with plenty of sunshine. It requires a long frost-free growing season with temperatures consistently above 60°F (15°C) for optimal growth and development.

How does erosion help the environment?

Erosion can help the environment by breaking down rocks into smaller particles, which can contribute to the formation of soil. This process can create habitats for plants and animals and increase nutrient availability for ecosystems. Additionally, erosion can help shape landforms and create diverse landscapes that support a variety of species.

What are the Effects of cotton on the environment?

Cotton cultivation requires significant amounts of water and pesticides, leading to water scarcity and soil degradation. The use of pesticides can harm local ecosystems and wildlife. Additionally, the processing of cotton into textiles can release harmful chemicals and contribute to water pollution.

Is cotton enviromentally friendly?

Cotton farming can be harmful to the environment due to intensive water use, pesticides, and soil degradation. Organic cotton, however, is a more sustainable option as it is grown without harmful chemicals, promotes soil health, and conserves water. It is important to consider the type of cotton and its farming practices when assessing its environmental impact.

How is cotton farming harmful to the soil?

Cotton farming can be harmful to the soil as it often involves intensive use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, leading to soil degradation and loss of biodiversity. Additionally, cotton is a water-intensive crop, which can contribute to soil erosion and depletion of water resources. Continuous monoculture of cotton can also lead to soil nutrient depletion and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases.

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Hope these will help! Egyptian cotton African cotton Cotton Wool :) From Lily Taylor

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He invented the Cotton Gin.

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The Aral Sea Shrinkage due to artificial irrigation of the cotton and rice fields.

What invention was created to help slaves?

The cotton gin there was a huge sale of cotton

How does cotton help make a light bulb?

Cotton is not used in light bulbs.

How the the cotton gin help us?

The cotton gin helped us by making it easier for slaves to produce cotton.

Why is cotton Eco friendly?

Non organic Cotton crops are causing a lot of damage to the environment, mainly due to its use of a huge amount of pesticides (synthetic chemicals designed to be toxic for living entities -plants, insects, fungi...-, and therefore ... toxic for the environment) Non organic cotton use about 3% of total cultivated surface on Earth but use 25% of pesticides. Organic cotton is not using pesticides, and is therefore causing much less damages to the environment. Organic cotton cultivation also impose crop rotations, which also have a lot of positive outcome on the environment, compared to intensive mono-culture. But organic cotton is not "saving the environment". It only contributes to a more sustainable use of it. Water management, cotton transformation (dyeing...), transportation, waste management, etc. are also part of the global picture and need to be addressed. In conclusion, Organic cotton is causing much less negative impact on the environment than non organic cotton. Switching from non-organic cotton to organic cotton is therefore a important part of any sustainability policy in the textile business. But organic cotton alone is not a silver bullet, and other issues need to be addressed.

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they help by making cotton

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