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Of course it does.

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Q: Does gravity and force move balls?
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Which of these uses the force of gravity to make it move

What does gravity have to do with the game of pool?

The force of gravity affects how fast a ball travels after it has been hit. Gravity tends to pull the balls towards the center of the pool table when the balls are struck. Gravity tends to pull the balls towards the center of the pool table when the balls are struck.

Does gravity and the force of the water cause sediment to move downstream?

not the force of water, but gravity and density does

What force is used to move a mechanical clock?

the force of gravity

What is the force that pulls all objects to the earth?

GRAVITY... 2nd answer: The force that pulls all objects toward each other is gravity. The earth exerts the force of gravity on you, and you exert the force of gravity on the earth ( or your couch, dog, etc). We notice Earth's force of gravity because it is huge compared with the force of gravity of our bodies .... or the force of gravity of our bowling balls, and so forth.

What force can move object?

Gravity and friction

What force causes object to move downward?

The force that causes objects to move downward is gravity

Why do different balls roll the same distance under the force of gravity?

Answer Gravity Finds Means for EqualityThe distance balls roll is a measure of the force of gravitational pull independent of the mass or area or size of each ball.

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What is a force that causes an object to move outward in a circle?

gravity. (gravitational force.)