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Limestone is much softer, more porous , and more susceptible to pollution.

This is primarily due to the chemical composition of the rocks. Limestone is essentially calcium carbonate which reacts with acidic rain and dissolves. Secondly the structure of granite is that of tightly interlocked crystals which prevent the entry of water which breaks rock up during repeated freeze thaw cycles.

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limestone i have done shoreline erosion control for 30 years lime stone breaks down in time

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Q: Does limestone or granite react faster with rain?
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Why does acid rain affect limestone but not granite?

Limestone is composed of calcium carbonate, an alkaline substance that breaks down on contact with acid. Granite is composed primarily of silica and feldspar, which are not so basic and do not react with acid.

What type of granite does not react with acid rain?

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Why lakes with limestone beds experience less adverse affects from acid rain than lakes with granite beds?

Limestone and marble (calcium carbonate) dissolve when in cntact with acid rain. Other building matrails like granite are not impacted by acid

How does acid rain react with granite?

It doesn't.

How does limestone react with acid rain?

it fizzes

What two reasons why it may be better to quarry granite or sandstone rather than limestone?

-Granite has little or no effect to acid rain whilst limestone is slowly eroded therefore granite lasts longer. -Granite is harder and stronger than limestone whilst limestone is easier to shape or mould. -Granite and sandstone are the most abundant minerals in the earth's crust.

Does granite or limestone last longer in normal rain?

Granite lasts longer as it is far more resistant to chemical weathering.

What does Acid rain cause in rock?

If the rock is a limestone it will react with it chemically.

How long it takes for acid rain to react with calcium carbonate?

it takes about 36 years for the acid rain to react with calcium carbonate which include limestone and marble. HOPE this help!

Is limestone mostly affected by acid rain?

Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) easily react with acids.

What is the best rock for a gravestone?

Granite is the most common and recommended rock for gravestones due to its durability, resistance to weathering, and ease of maintenance. It also comes in a variety of colors and can be engraved with intricate designs or inscriptions.

What effect does acid rain have on limestone buildings?

when the sulfurous, sulfuric, or nitric acids in polluted air react with the calcite in marble and limestone, the calcite dissolves.