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Liquid water becomes water vapor in the process of vaporization. There are two kinds of vaporization, evaporation which occurs slowly, and boiling which occurs rapidly.

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Q: Does liquid water become water vapor?
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What state of matter does liquid water become when it evaporate and turnes in to layer vapor?

Liquid water become gaseous water.

What is the name for the process by which water vapor becomes liquid water?

Condensation causes water vapor to become liquid water.

In order to get liquid water to become water to become water vapor what must be energy?

Energy must be added to liquid water so that it reaches the boiling point, at which point the water will vaporize into water vapor.

What is the process that changes water vapor to liquid water?

CondensationCondensation is the process by which water vapor changes to liquid.

How does liquid water become vapor water?

Actually its water vapor instead of vapor water. Anyways, the water has to have enough heat to become so hot that it doesn't boil but turns to steam and rises becoming water vapor.

Which process involves the transformation of liquid water into gaseous water vapor in the water cycle?

Liquid water will undergo evaporation to become gaseous water vapor in the water cycle.

How is vapor water different from liquid water?

Water vapor is different from liquid water because water vapor is a gas, and liquid water is a liquid.

What does the Sun provides energy for liquid water to become?

The sun provides the energy for liquid water to become water vapor, an invisible gas this cycle is called evaporation.

What is the difference between water vapor molecules and liquid water molecules?

They are made of different states of matter

How is water vapor diffrent from liquid water?

Water Vapor is technically a gas and Liquid water is obviously a liquid.

What is the process which molecules of water vapor in the air become liquid water?

This process is called condensation.