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In mid-latitudes, yes. In high summer, shadows at noon are extremely short - almost non-existent. At sunrise and sunset, they are somewhat long. In wintertime, shadows are moderately long even at noon, and very long at sunrise and sunset. At the equator, though, shadows change little if at all year-round. Lauryn is awesome!

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they have magical powers! the wizard of weather grants them the powers and they use them to make themselves unique

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Shadows Get Longer- Study Island :)

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Q: Does shadow changes during different seasons?
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How does the shadow changes during the year?

it changes cause when u get older your shadow does to

What causes the shadow to change during the day?

when you move and when the sun angle changes

How does the length of your shadow change in the day?

It will Lengthen and shorten during the day, as the angle of the sun changes

Why when the length and position of my shadow changes as i walk towards a light source and when i walk away from the lamp post?

If the direction from which the light comes changes, then the direction of the shadow changes as well. The shadow basically points away from the light source.

Does the distance of the earth in its orbit affect the seasons?

yes it does because it is winter when we are in the shadow

Why does the shadow of the tree keep changing its position?

Because of the position of the Sun during different times of the day

What are the two different types of shadow?

there are your shadow and other's shadow!! lol!!

How does a shadow change in the day?

The shadow of a solid object is cast by the Sun on the ground. As the Sun appears to cross the sky between dawn and dusk, so the length of the shadow also changes, both in direction and in length on the ground.Put a wooden post a metre high in open ground on a sunny day. Use a watch, and every hour place a small rock where the end of the post's shadow is on the ground. Eventually, you will see by the position of the rocks, just how the shadow of the post changes during the day.

Why does the moon have different shapes at different times of the mouth?

The earth casts a shadow upon the moon. As the position of the moon at night changes over a monthly schedule. This is why the moon waxes and wanes. And why when the moon is directly between the earth and the sun you can an eclipse. Where as at peak when there is no shadow you get a full moon.

During a solar eclipse the shadow of falls on?

During a solar eclipse, the shadow of the MOON falls on the EARTH.

Why does the shadow change during the day?

Shadows are created when something comes between the Sun and the surface upon which the shadow is cast. So if you draw a straight line from the Sun's position in the sky and on through the object that's casting the shadow, you will find that the shadow occurs where the straight line intersects that surface. Let's call that straight line the line of shadow (LOS). And it goes Sun to object, to surface where the shadow lies. But wait, the shadow is moving, very very slowly but it is moving. Remember the LOS determines where the shadow lies upon the surface. So something is changing with the LOS. And that something is the Sun's position in the sky. The Sun rises higher in the sky before noon and sags lower in the sky after noon (approximately). As it rises and lowers, the angle at which the LOS intersects the surface and casts that shadow changes to made the shadow shorter as the Sun lifts and longer as the Sun sets. Bottom line: shadows caused by the Sun change during the day because the position of the Sun in the sky changes from low to high, back to low during the day. And that changes the LOS angle onto the shadowed surface.

What make the shadow during a lunar eclipse?

It's the Earth's shadow.