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The distance from the Earth to the Sun is not a major component of the causes of the seasons.

A more important factor is the inclination of the axis.

See the answer to "What causes the Earth's seasons?"

The Earth is far enough from the Sun that a minor change in it's distance would not cause a significant change in the tempature.

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Q: Does the distance from the sun cause earth's seasons?
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Why isn't the change in earths distance from the sun enough to cause thr seasons?

its to far away

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no. the earths orbit cause the seasons

Which is NOT a cause of seasons?

distance from the sun

What evidence is there that distance from the sun is not a cause of the seasons?

It is the tilting of the Earth on its axis that causes the seasons, not the distance from the Sun.

What evidence is there that the distance of the sun is not the cause of the seasons?

It is the tilting of the Earth on its axis that causes the seasons, not the distance from the Sun.

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the way the earth spins arund the sun causes the seasons.

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Why isnt the change in earths distance from the sun enough to cause the seasons?

The change in distance is not very significant. Note that when it is Summer in the northern hemisphere, it is Winter in the south, and vice versa. This has nothing to do with the distance from the Sun, which is practically the same for North and South.

What two things cause the seasons to change on earth?

There are two things that cause it which are the earths orbit and thetilt of the earths axis.

What DOES NOT cause the earth 's seasons?

earth distance from the sun

Why is the earths seasons changed?

The seasons change NOT because the Earth rotates, but because of our revelution around the sun. It is summer when the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. the seasons have nothing to do with the distance to the sun. the Eath is closest to the sun in winter.

What if the earths orbit aroud the sun was circular and not elliptical?

Not much would change. Note that the seasons are NOT related to changes in the distance from the Sun.