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Q: Does transpiration add water vapor to the atmosphere?
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How is water linked to greenhouse gases?

Water vapor absorbs infrared heat in the atmosphere so it it classed as a greenhouse gas. However, man can not add water to the atmosphere, and water moves in and out of the atmosphere very quickly, so it can't be controlled. The natural water cycle is responsible for the movement of water and water vapor. As carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases raise the temperature in the atmosphere more water vapor is able to rise into the atmosphere. This circular effect causes more warming than before.

Is steam from a steam train a gas?

No. It is water vapor. It acts similar to gases in some respects, but it is truly water vapor and will add to the atmosphere, when released, as moisture which can then condense and precipitate out, which gases will not do at ambient temperatures.

What process in which plants return water vapor to the atmosphere?

The Nitrogen cycle. Transpiration is when a plant sweats. This process happens after photosynthesis. Plants utilize moisture from the air and water from rain. Then sweat it out exactly like a human does when they get hot. Thus returning the water used back into the air after evaporation.

Does vapor water contribute to global increase in temperature?

Yes, vapor water does contribute to the global increase in temperature. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas, meaning it can trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. As the Earth's temperature rises, more water evaporates and enters the atmosphere, creating a positive feedback loop that amplifies the warming effect.

What causes changes in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere?

Temperature, pressure, and water availability. For example, if you decrease temperature, the air cannot hold as much water vapor, this is the main cause of dew in the morning. If you add a large supply of water, like a lake, into a desert region the air can act like a sponge.

Does this dehumidifier work only with water, or can you use items like vapor inside?

This unit does require water,you can add vapor to the water if you wish.

How is carbonic acid produced?

Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere or in soil gases dissolves in water: CO2 + H2O => H2CO3 carbon dioxide + water => carbonic acid

What happens if you add heat to water?

it explodes, just kidding. It turns into a water vapor or most commonly steam.

What happens to vapor pressure if sugar is added to a solution?

When you add a teaspoon of honey to water with vapor pressure, it will reduce the vapor pressure. The sugar in the honey leads to the pressure going down.

Why is excessive transpiration harmful to the plants?

If you add to much water then the soil will get soggy and mushy so that indecates that the plant overwatered and it is not getting enough sunlight or CO2 and when the soil is dusty dry then the plant is under watered.