

Does wind grow

Updated: 8/11/2023
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Q: Does wind grow
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How does wind affect sunflowers?

Wind affects plant growth by creating the problem of desiccation. The type an amount of plants that grow in an area will be affected by how much wind the area gets. An area that has lots of wind will only have plants that grow strong anchors. Vegetation tends to grow more on the side of a tree that will be less affected by the wind.

How do rose grow?

Roses grow from water, the nutrients in the soil, the sunlight, and the wind.

How do ferns grow on trees?

Spores from adult fern plants get carried in the in the wind and grow on trees.

Why is wind farm a misnomer?

Wind farm is a misnomer because it produces electricity by wind but it's not a farm which we grow winds, it's a field.

Why do some plants depend on wind to transfer pollen?

Because if they didn't have wind then the seeds would drop on the ground and grow up under the plant and not really grow at all.

Does wind make plants grow faster?

Yes, wind can make plants grow faster but no, it can slow or stop growth. A light wind to circulate air is beneficial as long as drift of pesticides and toxins does not occur and as long as it does not become extreme or severe.

What is the most powerful element in beowulfs world?

wind it is not wind it is fire because the wind is making the flame grow bigger so u cant harm it

How do plants grow on hill tops?

on hills or mountains trees grow on there side it is formed that way because of the wind

If tomato seeds fall on the ground will they grow?

possibly... if there is wind and its raining its most likely if there is only sun no wind NOT usually.

What are ways seeds can spread and grow?

wind flood animals explosion

Why do trees grow to permanently bend in the wind?

Because there not straight :P