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A. There is no single topic sentence.B. Sentence 4C. Sentence 1D. Sentence 2

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Q: Earth's crust is made up of relatively rigid plates that ride atop Earth's hot semiliquid mantle 2 The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion 3 They can move because Ear?
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Related questions

Why does the Himalayan mountains keep growing at a constant rate?

It does because the tectonic plates keep moving more upward in that area

Where do plates float?

The Earth's tectonic plates are in constant motion. This movement is possible because they lay on top of the asthenosphere which is the outer mantle.

Why does coherent light have a relatively constant intensity?

Coherence relates to the physics of waves. Specifically, it refers to a property that allows constant interference. Because interference varies the intensity of light, coherent light has a relatively stable intensity.

What causes Europe and North America to drift apart?

Just like with any country, this is because they lie on tectonic plates which are in constant motion.

Why don't we notice a difference between mass and and weight on Earth?

Because gravity is relatively constant anywhere on Earth's surface.

Why don't we notice a difference between mass and weight on earth?

Because gravity is relatively constant anywhere on Earth's surface.

How earthquacks happened?

The tectonic plates that create earth surface move and sometimes hit each other, if they hit just a little bit, an earthquake results. California is an example, two tectonic plates match up there, and that is why there are always earthquakes. Some even say it will drift away from the usa because of the constant tectonic plate movement

What is a tectonic fault?

A Tectonic fault is where the different tectonic plates meet and it is a fault because one may be higger or thicker than the other.

What are the countries in the tectonic plate?

all countries are on tectonic plates because everything on the surface of the earth is on tectonic plates. be more specific with your questions.

How do tectonic plates cause contenitial drift?

Because tectonic plates move, therefore if the continent is on it, it moves with it!

How does tectonic plate movement occur?


Why doesn't a star expand or collapse during the main sequence?

A star remains relatively constant in size because the force of gravity is in equilibrium with the pressure caused by the fusion at the core.