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Oh yea mr krabs

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Q: Earthquakes that cause severe damage are likely to have what characteristic?
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Why earthquakes cause more damage than others?

The biggest earthquakes do not always cause the most damage if they strike unpopulated areas, or areas where the local infrastructure was built to withstand severe earthquakes. Also some big earthquakes may be high in intensity, but very short in duration, causing less damage.

Does earthquakes have to do with Atmosphere?

no it doesn't, it has to do with plate tectonics, when plates move the earth shakes and creates cracks on the ground, or very severe damage.

Which is more severe earthquakes tsunamis hurricanes or a tornado?

Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and tornadoes are all severe. It just depends on how strong they are and where they occur.

How severe are moon quakes compared to earths quakes?

Moonquakes are much less severe compared to earthquakes. Earthquakes can be very strong and moonquakes are mild.

Is it true that if tissue damage is very severe tissue repair is more likely to occur by fibrosis or scarring?


How do earthquakes affect property?

Earthquakes can cause significant damage to property. The shaking and ground displacement during an earthquake can result in structural damage to buildings, cracking of walls and foundations, and collapse of structures. Additionally, earthquakes can trigger landslides and tsunamis, which can cause further destruction to properties in affected areas.

Where do the most severe earthquakes occur?

along a faultline

Is an earthquake more severe than a tornado?

It depends as both earthquakes and tornadoes vary greatly in severity. Most earthquakes are so weak that the can't even be felt, only detected by sensitive instruments. Some tornado will cause little or no damage. However, the worst earthquakes are more destuctive than the worst tornadoes, as they can cause much more widespread damage.

How real foot lake was created?

It was created by a series of severe earthquakes

What happens when your ferret dies and you bring them back to life?

Most likely it will suffer from severe brain damage and/or muscle deterioration. Better if you don't do it (if possible).

What could go wrong if a timing belt breaks on a 2001 Chrysler LHS?

Severe internal engine damage is possible. Bent valves likely.

What is severe damage to the environment called?

The earth has so much severe damage. Firstly, the most hazardous of all is termed Global warming. Global warming is more severe than the others. Another just as severe damage as Global warming is Ozone depletion which I think is as severe as Global warming if not the same.