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Q: Fog usually occurs in the evenings?
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When and why does fog occur?

fog occurs just about any where in the u.s.

What is the difference between fog and clouds?

Clouds and fog are both water vapor that's visible in the air. Clouds are found above ground level, are more common, and usually thicker. Fog occurs at ground level.

When does fog form in inlets and bays?

Fogs are usually formed in the early mornings or evenings or every time the temperature changes. It is formed due to the sudden drop of temperature below due point.

When is it most common to see fog?

Fog occurs most often in the spring, fall, and at dawn.

How many fog days per year in Digby Nova Scotia?

Digby, Nova Scotia experiences an average of 95 days of fog each year due to its coastal location and proximity to the Bay of Fundy. This frequent fog is caused by the collision of warm and cold air masses over the water, creating conditions conducive to fog formation.

How is fog tracked?

Fog is usually tracked by taking readings of temperature and humidity. Fog can sometimes be spotty but usually can be predicted with great accuracy.

How many days after first fog do you have first snow storm?

Fog occurs throughout the year. There is no correlation whatsoever.

When are you most likely to encounter fog?

Fog occurs when 1) humidity goes up and 2) temperatures go down.

What is upslope fog?

An upslope fog is a fog created when moist air is lifted by a mountain or an upward sloping terrain. Condensation then occurs near the ground to form clouds.

What type of fog usually forms over rivers and lakes?

Steam fog

Why are summer evenings longer than winter evenings?

Those parts of the earth where the sun is farther due to the rotation of the earth, it occurs the winter and due to the higher distance from the sun, the light remains there for short time and evenings are longer.

What fog forms in valleys at night?

The type of fog that forms in valleys at night is Radiation Fog. It usually does not last long after sunrise.